Thursday, June 13, 2024

Fleet of Russian warships reaches Cuban waters

What will never happen again is another WORLD WAR like World War I or World War II . The daily lies of the mainstream news media in " OUR democracy " can never again stir the souls of working class CHRISTIAN America. That stale Wilsonian blather - the stock in trade of bribed petty bourgeois journalists - was false more than a century ago. And THE PEOPLE do finally learn . What " crackpot realism " would convince US presidents that nuclear war is winnable ? So exemplary is " OUR democracy " in the election year 2024 that we we would gallantly spread it around the world ( barbaric Saudi Arabia and APARTHEID Israel excepted ) ? For thousands of years WAR has been a function of society's ruling class. The ruling class must succeed in stupefying and corrupting the souls of working class people to get them psychologically ready for war. Of course, the American plutocracy will certainly give it a try !

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