Monday, June 17, 2024

Trump courts Black voters in Michigan

The backbone of support now for Joe Biden's WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party are " progressive " American ZIONIST Jews oddly confused about " liberalism " and seeing something glorious about Israeli genocide in Gaza, Palestine. ; social climbing Black petty bourgeoisie ,who seem to imagine that the Civil Rights Movement was a colossal failure ; and Hollywood 's gay community elite always seeking the nth dimension of vacuous sexual liberation " identity politics ". So who needs the mostly CHRISTIAN American working class ? Who needs God and a transcendent morality ? Of course , that they ( so many of them ) should see right wing blowhard Donald Trump as THEIR savior in the 2024 presidential election fits into the 21st century "Theater of the Absurd " politics . We do need an independent American Labor Party. Perhaps INDEPENDENT Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is a lesser LESSER EVIL for the present ? An American Labor Party could have the social structure of the British Labor Party - only less stuffy and compromised. THIRD PARTY power is preferable to the chaos of violent civil war . And certainly no social justice agenda will survive in the radioactive ashes of nuclear World War III .

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