Friday, June 21, 2024

You mean THEY won't let us grown old gracefully ? Cheerful QUORA article

From Space highlights Icon for Aging with an Attitude Aging with an Attitude · Follow Answered by Janice Routh May 28 [ What did you not expect to happen as you got older? Disrespect, no idea that would happen. I knew I aged out of clubbing in my 40’s, serious challenge landing employment in my 50’s, by 60 we had a downturn in the economy, and I was a relic. I knew I was also invisible to the opposite sex when I was no more than 30, or un-fuckable as my friend would say, but that was OK too. Past 70, goodbye to even courtesy, have some wrinkles and people think you’re not worth a thing. They will bypass you when trying to order, they will ignore you in stores when you need service. They forget we often have fat wallets along with saggy tits or belts just under out breast for men. Balding men and women alike, young people think it’s contagious! Yes, we often can’t hear correctly but don’t ridicule or roll your eyes if we get something wrong. We may study a menu too long, so what, our eyes may be a mess, print larger! Fine print on medication is stupid, with glasses and a magnifying glass should not be necessary, its medication, we didn’t need it when we were young, make the font larger. I’ve just began to notice that many, not all, judge us before we even speak, just lumped into Blue Hair society. We realize one thing, we got here, many that are doing the judging may not have that luxury. Be kind, smile………….. I’ve suggested to many of my contemporaries they have to smirk or smile all the time because our turned down lips appear to be a frown, it’s not, it just gravity.] 17.9K views

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