Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Jewish students demand action amid rise in antisemitism on college campuses

The whole WORKING CLASS world is outraged over ZIONIST Israel's genocide in Gaza Palestine. What action would privileged young Jews all PRO-ZIONIST? demand from universally PRO-ZIONIST American college administrations ? More crackdown on " FREE SPEECH " , " FREE THOUGHT " ? The arch enemy of FREE SPEECH in " OUR democracy " is the ZIONIST Jew checkbook . Daily it shuts up the voice of ANTI-WAR, ANTI-ZIONIST public opinion in the United States. And rich ZIONIST Jew bullies threaten to blackmail protesting law students . Two generations ago Left -wing Jewish students on college campuses were protesting the execution of the atomic spies Julius and Ethel Rosenberg. And then their hearts and minds were in the right place.

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