Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Peter Doocy: The White House is denying this

The hardcore backbone support of the Joe Biden presidency remains : belligerent ZIONIST Jews hell bent on nuclear World WAR III with POST COMMUNIST Russia ; the social climbing Black petty bourgeoisie clinging to the WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party , who imagine that the Civil Rights Movement was a sad failure; the Hollywood Gay Pride community elite always seeking the nth dimension of " liberation " via vacuous and vicious " DNC based " identity politics ". I see all this not as a fan of the right wing, reactionary blowhard Donald Trump but as a long time independent democratic socialist. The American working class needs an independent American Labor Party- like the British Labor Party but less stuffy and compromised . For the 2024 presidential election Robert F. Kennedy Jr. might serve as a lesser LESSER EVIL . Among independent voters he deserves at least critical support. A book written by a Jewish American socialist writer Irving Howe , " World of Our Fathers " , will remind careful readers of the long history of radical leftist Jews in the organized labor movement and in various socialist and communist political organizations. To be sure, ZIONISM is incompatible with socialist internationalism. Just as Israeli genocide in Gaza , Palestine is incompatible with the " Sermon on the Mount " .

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