Thursday, June 13, 2024

Scholz promises Zelensky "no dictated peace" as US arms Ukraine's most c...

American imperialism and the bourgeois governments of Europe ,with stale Wilsonian blather , false more than a century ago, assure the warmonger , embezzler Zelensky in " Greater Israel " Ukraine of eternal fidelity - even risking nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia - eternal fidelity to his SOVEREIGN country. How " sovereign " is any country that gets BILLIONS in cash and weapons of war from our Pentagon War Crimes Machine, our national Treasury ? How many health care programs for seniors in " OUR democracy " ( for example ) have been cut to send BILLIONS to the war criminal Netanyahu in APARTHEID Israel and more BILLIONS to Zelensky in Ukraine ? Working class CHRISTIAN public opinion will not be " inspired " to war fever with false claims that the leaders of the UNFREE world do not rise to the high moral level of our great political leaders : Joe Biden & Son; Donald Trump and Son in Law. Make the world safe once more for " OUR democracy " ? Which brainless American youth can be recruited for this bloody idiocy ? Smarter to offer senior citizens $70,000 to join the next fatuous Great Crusade ?

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