Thursday, June 20, 2024

No champion of FREE SPEECH in " OUR democracy " 630WPRO's Gene Valicenti ?

This is the response I got from the 630WPRO TALK RADIO : " BLAH BLAH BLAH BOURGEOISIE... BLAH BLAH " . Very professional , don't you think ? As a longtime INDEPENDENT democratic socialist I do cherish the FREE SPEECH, FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization. Is there something creepy , or seedy or UN-AMERICAN about that ? The name of " Rhode Island's Anchor " is Gene Valicenti ( one of his good points is that Gene was named to the Italo-American Hall of Fame . He is fond of lines from " Godfather " movies and " Good Fellas " .... " This is the profession we have chosen " ) . Less flattering is that Gene on air is an incurable narcissist. In one of my texts to 630WPRO TALK RADIO I did suggest that TALK RADIO in general in " OUR democracy " has become effete , a mockery of FREE SPEECH USA . UPDATE : Yesterday 630 WPRO Talk Radio jock Matt Allen also got unhinged at my texted suggestion that there is too much slobbering over sponsors on the air . To which he replied with professional tact : " No, you're the only one who cares ". ... " As for your opinion of my credibility... I can't tell you how much I don't care ". I wrote that slobbering over sponsors " undermines your credibility " Then I wrote : " Your very professional response to my text is now on YOU TUBE : " Talk Radio jock gets unhinged ". Panic ? " ok " LOL ". " Thta's ( sic ) unhinged ? " " What's your You Tube ? " Right here , right now , Matt . A while back Genial Gene Valicenti also told his listeners on the air ( 630 WPRO ) that " his family ( mine , " Ridiculous Ron " ) told him to get help ". " Ron did not take his meds today " , cracked Gene.

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