Friday, June 21, 2024

READ below : more ZIONIST Jew censorship of anti-war American public opinion ?

Can the American ruling class - the class that LEADS the " Free World " of bourgeois " democratic " governments- with stale Wilsonian blather that was false more than a century ago - persuade the vast- mostly CHRISTIAN - working class here that collectively this UNFREE world " Axis of Evil " is so much more threatening to their well being than the everyday exploitation and oppression and social misery of " OUR Way of Life " ? As human beings the war criminal leading Zionist APARTHEID Israel , Benjamin Netanyahu , and the warmonger , embezzler V. Zelensky ,permanent leader of " Greater Israel " Ukraine, are so much more virtuous than the villains of the UNFREE world -like Vladimir Putin in Russia ? Apart from specific American " interests " ( that is, American imperialist interests ) these allies are worth going to nuclear World War III for ? Three cheers for the Greatest Holocaust ! Why not have a national referendum in " OUR democracy " on the righteousness of nuclear World War III ? For once the ruling ideas just might not be the ideas of the ruling class ! Reply @ronruggieri9817 0 seconds ago More ZIONIST Jew censorship of anti-war American public opinion ?

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