Monday, June 10, 2024

" Bobby Kennedy needs your immediate help to put him on the national stage for the first presidential debate hosted by CNN " .

---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Team Kennedy Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2024 at 08:09 Subject: Debate clock is ticking for RFK Jr. To: Ron Ruggieri Bobby Kennedy needs your immediate help to put him on the national debate stage. Kennedy-Shanahan 24 Dear Ron, Bobby Kennedy needs your immediate help to put him on the national stage for the first presidential debate hosted by CNN. Give me a minute to explain. Then please take the critical actions outlined below to do your part to help out. CNN, ABC, and the other Big Media Barons think they can undermine democracy by blocking RFK Jr. from the presidential debates. They are playing with your vote. The fact is federal law requires "objective criteria to determine which candidates may participate in a debate." … OBJECTIVE criteria! Well, there's absolutely NOTHING objective about the criteria CNN is using to try and keep RFK Jr. off the June 27 debate stage. RFK Jr. meets the requirements to be on 19 state ballots, which is enough signatures for 278 electoral votes. Trump and Biden won't be on ANY state ballots on June 27 and won't be until after they are officially nominated at their summer national conventions. RFK Jr. already clears CNN's voter opinion survey percentage entry point in three out of the required four voter surveys by Quinnipiac University, the Marquette Law School, and CNN's own poll of voters. CNN's requirements clearly violate federal law. 71% of Americans think the presidential debates should include independent candidates like RFK Jr. according to the recent Harvard CAPS/Harris national poll. Every day more and more Americans are turned off by the Trump/Biden rematch devoid of any issues. YOUR ACTION TODAY WILL MAKE THE DIFFERENCE TO PUT RFK JR. ONTO THE DEBATE STAGE We must raise $1.2 Million in the next two weeks to get RFK Jr.'s name – and message – out to voters to get the percentage of voter support CNN is requiring. If you take a moment right now to chip in your special gift, you can help meet our urgent goal of raising $1.2 million before June 19 to boost RFK Jr.'s poll numbers before the debate. My Best Gift To Get RFK Jr. On the Debate Stage Your quick action right now will make the difference.

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