Monday, June 10, 2024

Blinken heads to Israel to push cease-fire

American Secretary of State Antony Blinken is proving himself a worthy disciple of former American Secretary of State , the ZIONIST Jew war criminal, Henry Kissinger. And this is hardly a " controversial " opinion on the Left , offensive to " community standards ". Imagine " OUR democracy " honoring the war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu ,the leader of Zionist APARTHEID Israel ! Netanyahu is invited to speak to a joint session of Congress on July 24. Happily mass demonstrations are planned in Washington D.C. on that day. The only social force in " OUR democracy " that can resist ZIONIST Jew censorship of anti-war , anti-Zionism American public opinion is an awakened 200 MILLION CHRISTIAN working class population. . The " liberal " , " progressive ", now WOKE WARRIOR , Democratic Party has been contemptuous of the FREE SPEECH, FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western CHRISTIAN Civilization for decades now. Is it not ironic that belligerent ZIONIST Jews police social media 24 hours a day for whatever- TO THEM- smacks of " hate speech " ? Nothing hateful about Israeli genocide in Gaza, Palestine ? Vocal RIGHT TO LIFE Catholics are , of course , invariably " hateful " !

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