Sunday, May 3, 2015

THE CAR- an American Tragedy

I gave up driving, with a perfectly good record, at the age of 50. So it was no shock for me to begin using my LIBERATION RIPTA bus pass at 65.

In densely populated Rhode Island a car is simply an accident waiting to happen-no matter how sober and skilled the driver. Yes, the old man was guilty of being old– truly an All American Tragedy.

I gave up driving because I no longer wanted the stress. I can at least observe the delights of springtime on a bus, without ruining the springtime of anybody's life.

In many ways– ecological for one– THE CAR is indeed an American tragedy. It is certainly a factor in the obesity epidemic. Yet TV commercials still want you to rush out and BUY A NEW CAR. Even at 88 you can enjoy that liberating adolescent bliss.

Then one morning you wake up with the taste of death in your mouth- and life denying infanticide.

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