In a capitalist society-with racial problems- that makes health care a
commodity and a privilege naturally black people in general will be
more cheated than white people in general. But tell a white working
class family without adequate health care insurance that they are still
better off just being white. You will get a sardonic smile.
The solution is not to attack " Obama care ". But to fulfill Senator Ted Kennedy's dream of excellent health care for all Americans, health care as a basic human right in any truly civilized society.
On this issue the ruling class is up to its old tricks: DIVIDE and CONQUER. Should a doctor's office have an AFFIRMATIVE ACTION IN HEALTH CARE sign ?
I would also suggest that no licensed medical doctor in the United States have any right not to see or treat Medicare and Medicaid patients.
The solution is not to attack " Obama care ". But to fulfill Senator Ted Kennedy's dream of excellent health care for all Americans, health care as a basic human right in any truly civilized society.
On this issue the ruling class is up to its old tricks: DIVIDE and CONQUER. Should a doctor's office have an AFFIRMATIVE ACTION IN HEALTH CARE sign ?
I would also suggest that no licensed medical doctor in the United States have any right not to see or treat Medicare and Medicaid patients.

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