Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Video shows deer crash through windshield of bus

RIPTA bus driver can be a hazardous job. My brother Mike , a retired RIPTA bus driver , had this RIPTA 3 , Oakland Beach route ( ? ) some years ago. One day a car crashed into his Chalkstone Ave bus , causing Mike a serious back injury, possibly leading to his early retirement. In general , wild life everywhere is being driven to rebellion against HUMAN civilization. A hundred years ago that deer would have been safe in its own natural habitat . Today even a black bear can show up on your front porch ! On my Twilight Walk I notice numerous rabbits in my Knightsville , Cranston neighborhood. FOOD for a coming famine ? In India , I read , a poor village woman was swallowed whole by a large snake. Soon a Hollywood remake of the Alfred Hitchcock movie " The Birds " ? 1950s science fiction-horror movies coming TRUE ! What next - " X-the Unknown " ?

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