Thursday, June 6, 2024

Shocking moment a giraffe lifts a toddler out of a truck

[Next time they'll think dressing the toddler up as a banana, and sitting on a prop that looks like a bowl of food, are bright ideas @NickyM1964 2 hours ago Not for nothing, but is this Mom 18 years old?? @twentypandora96 2 hours ago Its sad to hear that they had to put the giraffe down after this incident.] For Darwinian evolved jungle wildlife there is nothing precious about beautiful human child : FOOD yes or no ? The vast COSMOS displays ABSOLUTE ZERO cold unconcern for our species , homo sapiens . Even if DEEP SPACE Hubble Telescope images of splendid fireworks OUT THERE thrill and entertain us. I recall a Ray Bradbury fantasy-science fiction story : " Mars is Heaven ". But neither is the Good Earth !

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