Friday, June 7, 2024

RFK, Jr. speaks out on being denied Secret Service protection

A longtime independent democratic socialist myself , I just signed the online petition asking for Secret Service protection for presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Blackballed and smeared by the mainstream news media in " OUR democracy " , RFK Jr. is himself a " Profile in Courage ". In the long view working class CHRISTIAN Americans could be attracted to a third party , an American Labor Party -like the British Labor Party but less stuffy , compromised, and muddle headed. RFK Jr. is perhaps the very lesser LESSER evil in the 2024 presidential election. Viable SOCIALIST parties have been torpid-or corrupted - for more than a century I give critical support here to Kennedy . But what I dread is this : Democrats and Republicans and ALL third party presidential candidates slobbering over Zionist APARTHEID Israel , allying themselves with the war criminal Netanyahu ( recently invited to speak before the US Congress ) in Israel and the warmonger, embezzler V. Zelensky in " Greater Israel " Ukraine. Ordinary working class people in ALL countries have no difficulty distinguishing the OPPRESSOR from the OPPRESSED. No puzzle here why BLACK LIVES MATTER rallies in " OUR democracy " feature Palestinian flag waving.

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