Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Saturday, June 1, 2024
" The Pursuit of Loneliness " in America
For the Big Picture of loneliness in capitalist society USA a book written by Philip Slater way back in 1970 is worth careful reading today. The book is titled : " The Pursuit of Loneliness ". Our capitalist system undermines the basic COMMUNAL instincts of human beings. Everywhere it creates the " dark night of the soul " and the " circumscribed ' I ' . Consider the number of reckless hit and run accidents. Consider the official contempt and indifference toward homeless people. To be sure , people are not " connected " by vacuous Talk Radio which is mostly the smug and snooty voice of the American petty-bourgeoisie.
For decades now there has waged ( with secular, anti-Christian , ZIONIST Jews the vanguard ) an ideological war of terror against the Christian Tradition in " OUR democracy ". Love of LIFE is smeared as hateful . Anti-war remarks are singled out as " anti-Semitic " hate speech. Children can actually be REMOVED from politically incorrect parents,. Professional university BIOLOGISTS are afraid to affirm what Charles Darwin himself affirmed in his classic " The Origin of the Species " - a whole chapter on " Sexual Selection " .
Fear of THOUGHT CRIME is definitely a factor in the soul drying experience of loneliness in " OUR democracy ".
Do not expect the profession of psychiatry to be of much help here even for affluent middle class people. For decades now the psychiatric profession has been stupefied and corrupted by the operational belief that CONFORMITY and acceptance of our ( capitalist ) WAY OF LIFE is the path to mental health .
The WORK PLACE is invariably a factor in LONELINESS . Just walking through the door of a typical factory the WORKER feels a people hostile environment described by left-wing sociologists as one of extreme " alienation ".
Our entertainment media -like Hollywood movies - rarely touch on TRUTH about anything . TV and TV commercials are especially stupefying . We live in the Golden Age of False Advertising .
The sordid pornography industry is a symptom of profound loneliness and moral confusion.
The mainstream news media, when it is not war- mongering in the interests of American imperialism , is isolating and CENSORING all individuals with outstanding critical thinking skills. There is rarely any talk about SYSTEMIC ( capitalist caused ) problems. I am amazed , for example, that there is never spoken ( on radio or TV ) a connection between the homelessness epidemic and sacrosanct landlord-capitalist PRIVATE PROPERTY rights.
For many the only anodyne for LONELINESS are drugs and strong alcoholic drinks . And SEX, SEX, SEX at its most sordid . But God bless " OUR democracy " -and its true guardians in the American government at all levels !
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