Tuesday, June 4, 2024

East Providence holds Pride Month celebrations

In past years the Gay Pride Parades I witnessed ( then working in downtown Providence ) were -by any moral standards familiar to me - vulgar and obscene. Whatever the values of the jubilant, giddy marchers MONOGAMY was not at the top of the list. As a longtime independent democratic socialist I know that a century ago the worldwide socialist movement was in the vanguard of support for an end to the political and cultural oppression of gay people. But in recent decades " GAY PRIDE " demonstrations have been subservient to the less and less democratic WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party . For decades now this party has been betraying the FREE SPEECH , FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization and gratuitously mocking the nation's CHRISTIAN tradition. Separation of Church and State was never supposed to mean hostility to organized religion or religious faith in general. No serious SOCIALIST movement today would daily mock what is collectively understood as " middle class moral values ". And the biggest mistake of the old Soviet Union was not SOCIALISM ; it was calling itself " officially atheist ". The WOKE Democrats seem to be in an unholy alliance with the obnoxious New Atheism. Is not the so called " gay community " a sort of ideological and cultural ghetto ? I do not hear too much lately about ballyhooed gay marriage . More news about gay divorce. The SOCIALIST movement even a century ago was cynical about BOURGEOIS marriage. That also applies to gay marriage - a sort of " farce of a farce " ?

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