@Ron Ruggieri if this is something you believe in, why would you spend so much effort trying to do harm? you get that being banned at a message board, is a decision that would have been made by one person or a small group who moderate the board... but you seem to indict a leader of the group, and the group as a whole? why would anybody take you seriously when the smallest perceived slight causes you to react like this? having no idea what happened, just looking at this, i get why you were banned already. you should get it too
Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Saturday, June 29, 2019
Radical Ron FAKED hate e-mail ?
Ricky Kagayame
Ron, for all I know you wrote that yourself. Perhaps, if you are going to persist with this obsessive crusade against the ICFI and SEP, you should focus on the actual material that David North and the WSWS has published. The perspectives, analyses, commentary, etc.
- I would end any imagined " obsessive crusade " against NOT WELL LIKED Socialist Equality Party if they just EXPLAIN - with relevant quotes IN CONTEXT - why I was banned from the World Socialist Web Site AFTER one " Joe Williams " smeared me as the " resident Catholic, anti-Semite , fascist ".
Very simple . After receiving this THREAT I am very tempted to file a HATE CRIMES police report on David North and his WSWS goons .
Test me ! My e mail address is radicalron72647@gmail.com
I have no criminal record and ALL my opinions can be found in my blog - radical ron's blog spot .
Your cult smears me and then calls me " obsessive " for demanding an EXPLANATION.
I understand the SEP likes to go to court . Well , see you in court .
Defending OUR oil fields in the Middle East ?
Trump Tweets An Invitation To North Korea's Kim — Meet In the DMZ?
Is the biased mainstream news media clearly favoring " liberal " Democrats siding with American militarists having a deadly belligerence toward North Korea, China, Russia, Iran , Venezuela ?
Why oh why should ordinary Americans think that THEIR interests ,( that of the American plutocracy ) are OUR interests ?
WE the American working class don't own any oil wells in the Middle East or gold mines in South Africa. While a working class American soldier is dying for BIG OIL in the Middle East his old mother might be having her heat cruelly shut off for failure to pay the bill on a sub-artic freezing day in the New England winter.
So much for " OUR democracy " !
Why oh why should ordinary Americans think that THEIR interests ,( that of the American plutocracy ) are OUR interests ?
WE the American working class don't own any oil wells in the Middle East or gold mines in South Africa. While a working class American soldier is dying for BIG OIL in the Middle East his old mother might be having her heat cruelly shut off for failure to pay the bill on a sub-artic freezing day in the New England winter.
So much for " OUR democracy " !
The true nature of prejudice - a generalization from personal experience
5 Takeaways From Night 2 Of The Democratic Debate
Is it IMPOSSIBLE to think that often enough CONSERVATIVE Republicans and supporters of President Donald Trump speak TRUTH ?
Even prejudice of the more despicable kind is fundamentally a generalization from personal experience .
For example : While more and more TV commercials pander to black " self-esteem " , " feel good about yourself " IMAGES , the actual TV news when reporting violent CRIMES cannot help showing an excess of black faces.
What is going on here is not institutionalized RACISM but a general social/ economic meltdown.
How can the oppressed and dispossessed Palestinians NOT have a negative view of the Zionist settler state ( so much like racist South Africa ) . ?
How can honest Catholics not be prejudiced against a mainstream news media that seems programmed by the New Atheists ?
Even prejudice of the more despicable kind is fundamentally a generalization from personal experience .
For example : While more and more TV commercials pander to black " self-esteem " , " feel good about yourself " IMAGES , the actual TV news when reporting violent CRIMES cannot help showing an excess of black faces.
What is going on here is not institutionalized RACISM but a general social/ economic meltdown.
How can the oppressed and dispossessed Palestinians NOT have a negative view of the Zionist settler state ( so much like racist South Africa ) . ?
How can honest Catholics not be prejudiced against a mainstream news media that seems programmed by the New Atheists ?
Fwd: Democratic Socialist " Radical Ron " receives e-mail threat from Trotskyist TRUE BELIEVER
ANYBODY would defend themselves against character assassination . I received this THREAT in my email this morning :This is what I mean by a vicious stupid CULT :
"I'm not a goon or even a SEP member, yet, but if Comrade North told me to smack you, I'd smack the dog shit out of you, no charge. I LOVE THE ICFI, SEP & WSWS! They made my life complete. "
I recall with a smile Eric Hoffer's classic " The True Believer ". NOTE : Faith in God makes life " complete " for millions of the world's Catholics, Protestants, Muslims , and Orthodox Jews .
"I'm not a goon or even a SEP member, yet, but if Comrade North told me to smack you, I'd smack the dog shit out of you, no charge. I LOVE THE ICFI, SEP & WSWS! They made my life complete. "
I recall with a smile Eric Hoffer's classic " The True Believer ". NOTE : Faith in God makes life " complete " for millions of the world's Catholics, Protestants, Muslims , and Orthodox Jews .
Perhaps both the Internal Revenue Service and the Catholic Anti-Defamation Society should be warned about one David North , the Great Oz of the Socialist EQUALITY Party which is already assigning " NOBODY " status to everybody who disagrees with them.
Radical Ron infuriates SEP cult member - one of Eric Hoffer's TRUE BELIEVERS
[you didn't have to write it twice. You could have edited it but instead you put the same exact comment up twice in a row. Putting it up once was bad enough but twice has got to be a record in stupidity or something. The blah blah blah crap you keep recycling is STILL PATHETIC! I'd tell you to your face to go fuck yourself but I got better things to do. As for my name, it's an abbreviation so stalkers like you don't try to ride my nuts. I'm not a goon or even a SEP member, yet, but if Comrade North told me to smack you, I'd smack the dog shit out of you, no charge. I LOVE THE ICFI, SEP & WSWS! They made my life complete. Every member who I get to speak to helps me out tremendously. Unfortunately people like you get on my nerves and I can't help myself when some creepy old dude keeps trying to get the last word in. You're not saying any! You're not changing anybody's mind! Nobody cares about the idiotic comments you post. I'm the only one responding because people like you make me sick and I get more sick if I don't respond. I know I'm not supposed to respond but you're a soft target. You say the same thing over and over and over and I just can't seem to help myself from calling you a complete moron. ]
I recall American philosopher Eric Hoffer 's " TRUE BELIEVER "
ANYBODY would defend themselves against character assassination . I received this THREAT in my email this morning :This is what I mean by a vicious stupid CULT .
"I'm not a goon or even a SEP member, yet, but if Comrade North told me to smack you, I'd smack the dog shit out of you, no charge. I LOVE THE ICFI, SEP & WSWS! They made my life complete. "
I recall with a smile Eric Hoffer's classic " The True Believer ".
NOTE : Faith in God makes life " complete " for millions of the world's Catholics, Protestants, Muslims , and Orthodox Jews .
Perhaps both the Internal Revenue Service and the Catholic Anti-Defamation Society should be warned about one David North , the Great Oz of the Socialist EQUALITY Party which is already assigning " NOBODY " status to everybody who disagrees with them.
Friday, June 28, 2019
When will American militarists " cross the Rubicon " ?
'Look At These Beautiful Boys': In 1969, Life Magazine Published The Faces Of Americans Killed In Vietnam
My generation's stupid dirty war - Vietnam . How can the combat survivors and the anti-war protesters today be anything but cynical about any more wars in inglorious defense of " OUR democracy " ? And yet the Democratic Party is becoming the ideological base of the next war. The " progressive " liberals with their unthinking embrace of the HATE RUSSIA New McCarthyism are comparable to the John Birch Society members of the 1950s McCarthy Era.
ILLIBERAL LIBERALISM is presently censoring the mainstream news media and the Internet . This daily war on FREE SPEECH and FREE THOUGHT will soon culminate in the Wilsonian blather ( backed by the Creel war propaganda machine ) that gave us the horrors of the Great War more than a century ago , the war to make the world safe for democracy .
Watch how quickly pernicious patriotic GROUP THINK crystalizes after the American militarists " cross the Rubicon " with Iran, Russia, North Korea, China . The Pentagon War Crimes Machine simply NEEDS cartoon wicked enemies . The MACHINE is always in danger of being junked by the SANE MAJORITY. WE will not thank THE MACHINE for its service .
ILLIBERAL LIBERALISM is presently censoring the mainstream news media and the Internet . This daily war on FREE SPEECH and FREE THOUGHT will soon culminate in the Wilsonian blather ( backed by the Creel war propaganda machine ) that gave us the horrors of the Great War more than a century ago , the war to make the world safe for democracy .
Watch how quickly pernicious patriotic GROUP THINK crystalizes after the American militarists " cross the Rubicon " with Iran, Russia, North Korea, China . The Pentagon War Crimes Machine simply NEEDS cartoon wicked enemies . The MACHINE is always in danger of being junked by the SANE MAJORITY. WE will not thank THE MACHINE for its service .
George Creel war propaganda |
Some " conservative " wisdom on what's wrong with our schools "
WISDOM on the burning topics of the day like " what's wrong with our schools " can be found in surprising ( for liberals ) places- like the " Cato Journal " . Since attention spans are challenged I will go to very last sentence of an article by Peter McAllister ( " A Teacher's Perspective on What's Wrong With Our Schools " , WINTER 2018 ) :
" And our children deserve schools that demonstrate that there are objective moral values whose realization can lead to a successful, productive, and happy life."
Somehow the principle of BENEVOLENT AUTHORITY must be applied to the moral and intellectual chaos of the public schools. The excoriated Catholic Bishop Tobin would agree, I am sure.
Democrat Joe Biden no more a racist than a rapist
5 Takeaways From Night 2 Of The Democratic Debate
"Harris showed in the second night of the first Democratic presidential primary debate why so many thought she had such promise as a candidate from the beginning. She commanded the stage, was crisp, and showed skill and courage in going after former Vice President Joe Biden."
Of course establishment Democrat Joe Biden is no more of a racist than he was a rapist.
The Democrats have learned nothing from past failures. If they make the 2020 campaign all about vicious effete " identity politics ", President Donald Trump -really a LIBERAL Republican- will be elected by a landslide
.happy bachelors
Of course establishment Democrat Joe Biden is no more of a racist than he was a rapist.
The Democrats have learned nothing from past failures. If they make the 2020 campaign all about vicious effete " identity politics ", President Donald Trump -really a LIBERAL Republican- will be elected by a landslide
.happy bachelors
Thursday, June 27, 2019
Lenin and Trotsky never made any revolutionary mistakes ?
5 Takeaways From The First Democratic Debate
I have a copy of " Joe Williams " smearing me as the " resident Catholic , anti-Semite, fascist " on the World Socialist Web Site. Then I was quickly banned from the World Socialist Web Site . I asked the GREAT OZ , the CAPITALIST David North, for an explanation. None of my comments ever REMOVED but then I am banned from a web site policed by David North 's lackeys. I said produce ONE comment of mine that would categorize me as a Neo-Nazi fascist ? ( Catholic = fascist ? ) . NADA !
There was no respect for intellectual honesty with these CULT members . Anybody can read my blog ( Radical Ron's blogsite ) going back to 1997 and judge for themselves if I am an " obsessed " Jew hater . I made numerous references to Jewish writers for whom I had the greatest respect : Irving Howe , Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn, Norman Finkelstein .
But it is like talking to the proverbial horse's ass .
The " Clears " of the Church of Scientology " routinely insult and humiliate non-conforming members . They use psycho-babble : " you don't know how crazy you are ". And my photo is " ugly " . And I am " pathetic " and "desperate for attention " . This is a CULT speaking, no doubt it.
And what kind of racist would quote Malcolm X ? My favorite Malcolm X quote : " Show me a capitalist and I'll show you a blood sucker " . Think about that David North, Green .
Any reader here can just GOOGLE David North SEP , World Socialist Web Site , Socialist Equality Party . The reader will find very consistent criticism of North and his self-appointed VANGUARD party of the working class. This from other socialists and ex-members of the SEP cult.
My point is that these socialist sects already contain the evil seeds of totalitarianism . Does that make me a " nut case " ?
Also I have observed this over -the-top hostility on the Left in general to Christianity and Catholicism in particular . What kind of ruling socialist VANGUARD party would make millions of Christians , millions of the world's RELIGIOUS people- Catholics , Protestants, Orthodox Jews, Muslims... second class PERSECUTED citizens of the New World Order ?
The Trotskyists worship the pre-Stalin Soviet Union as if Lenin and Trotsky never made a big mistake . Bertrand Russell thought Lenin was " cruel " . George Orwell thought that Trotsky was at least as responsible for the Russian totalitarianism as Stalin.
The era of effete socialist " vanguard parties " actually ended 100 years ago .
If that makes me an ogre with the SEP, so what ? They don't even like the term " democratic socialism ". They imagine they have a patent on socialism and the blessing of HISTORY . The fate of TRUE BELIEVERS in all the ages.
There was no respect for intellectual honesty with these CULT members . Anybody can read my blog ( Radical Ron's blogsite ) going back to 1997 and judge for themselves if I am an " obsessed " Jew hater . I made numerous references to Jewish writers for whom I had the greatest respect : Irving Howe , Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn, Norman Finkelstein .
But it is like talking to the proverbial horse's ass .
The " Clears " of the Church of Scientology " routinely insult and humiliate non-conforming members . They use psycho-babble : " you don't know how crazy you are ". And my photo is " ugly " . And I am " pathetic " and "desperate for attention " . This is a CULT speaking, no doubt it.
And what kind of racist would quote Malcolm X ? My favorite Malcolm X quote : " Show me a capitalist and I'll show you a blood sucker " . Think about that David North, Green .
Any reader here can just GOOGLE David North SEP , World Socialist Web Site , Socialist Equality Party . The reader will find very consistent criticism of North and his self-appointed VANGUARD party of the working class. This from other socialists and ex-members of the SEP cult.
My point is that these socialist sects already contain the evil seeds of totalitarianism . Does that make me a " nut case " ?
Also I have observed this over -the-top hostility on the Left in general to Christianity and Catholicism in particular . What kind of ruling socialist VANGUARD party would make millions of Christians , millions of the world's RELIGIOUS people- Catholics , Protestants, Orthodox Jews, Muslims... second class PERSECUTED citizens of the New World Order ?
The Trotskyists worship the pre-Stalin Soviet Union as if Lenin and Trotsky never made a big mistake . Bertrand Russell thought Lenin was " cruel " . George Orwell thought that Trotsky was at least as responsible for the Russian totalitarianism as Stalin.
Soon after the triumph of the Russian Revolution the STATE was declared to be " officially atheist ". That certainly made Bolshevik revolution in Germany generally unwelcome and also unwelcome in still " Catholic " Europe - Italy , France, Spain, Portugal , Poland , Romania.
Also, has any honest socialist ever met any working class people - innocent of THE PARTY - languishing with a longing for the " Dictatorship of the Proletariat ? Thirsty for bloody revenge on all " class enemies " ?
I am more and more convinced that SOCIALISM as a GREAT IDEA ( going back to Plato and early Christianity ) can survive and finally triumph as a quasi-religious movement - of a real MORAL MAJORITY .
The era of socialist vanguard parties is over
As a democratic socialist I am pleased that SOCIALISM as an idea and ideal is in the air and on the air. But ironically the MASSES can expect no real practical guidance from these various " Trotskyist " sects that have ALL evolved into weird, degenerate personality cults . For example , the once respectable on the left American Socialist Workers Party . Their GREAT LEADER Jack Barnes has made his party into something worthy of North Korea . The equally obscure Socialist Equality Party - which runs the World Socialist Web Site - is led by one two face enigma named David North and David Green. David North is the socialist revolutionary . David Green is the CEO of a NON-UNION capitalist printing company . I can guess that his stable of Marxist writers are on his company pay roll . So much for revolutionary honor !
If you think the World Socialist Web Site is an open forum for ALL honest socialists , you are in for a rude awakening. The SEP goons police the web site for hints of non-conformity.
A while back I was smeared by one SEP hyena, " Joe Williams ", as the " resident Catholic , anti-Semite, fascist ". Then quickly BANNED from the WSWS . On You Tube I was able to ask if they could produce ONE comment that would easily categorize me as neo-Nazi anti-Semite. Like the dissidents in the Church of Scientology I was called a " loon .
" .
I must warn the youth interested in SOCIALISM to avoid these Trotskyist cults which already contain the evil seeds of totalitarianism.
I note that they are all absolutely beside themselves with hatred for the Roman Catholic Church ( which triumphed over Stalinist communism in Poland shortly after a friendly visit from Paul John Paul II ) .
The original sin of 20th century socialism was Bolshevik Russia - long before the rise of Stalinism - declaring its STATE to be " officially atheist ".
I am sure that THE MASSES will again just say no to " The Society of the Godless ". SOCIALISM will remain democratic and not make the world's religious majority second class ,
If you think the World Socialist Web Site is an open forum for ALL honest socialists , you are in for a rude awakening. The SEP goons police the web site for hints of non-conformity.
A while back I was smeared by one SEP hyena, " Joe Williams ", as the " resident Catholic , anti-Semite, fascist ". Then quickly BANNED from the WSWS . On You Tube I was able to ask if they could produce ONE comment that would easily categorize me as neo-Nazi anti-Semite. Like the dissidents in the Church of Scientology I was called a " loon .
" .
I must warn the youth interested in SOCIALISM to avoid these Trotskyist cults which already contain the evil seeds of totalitarianism.
I note that they are all absolutely beside themselves with hatred for the Roman Catholic Church ( which triumphed over Stalinist communism in Poland shortly after a friendly visit from Paul John Paul II ) .
The original sin of 20th century socialism was Bolshevik Russia - long before the rise of Stalinism - declaring its STATE to be " officially atheist ".
I am sure that THE MASSES will again just say no to " The Society of the Godless ". SOCIALISM will remain democratic and not make the world's religious majority second class ,
TWO MINUTES HATE for " Catholic , anti-Semite , fascist " Radical Ron
If you are authorized by the cult leader GREAT OZ David North to smear me , cant you at least use your REAL NAME ? The above comment is very low life for any budding " Young Trotsky ". One's thoughts should not be taken out of context.
@Ron Ruggieri [ " You yourself said on here that Israel does not have a working class. You keep calling the SEP a cult and keep bringing up the Catholic Church, the biggest cult on earth. You just added that you liked some stuff from hitlers book. Should I keep going or stop because obviously you can’t comprehend how insane you are. You are a NOBODY crying for attention. It’s sickens me to see your creepy pic everyday but I’m sure you have some pathetic excuse for picking that photo. I hope you see somebody to get help for your obsession but I doubt it. " ]
My views on Zionism are hardly different from those of Chris Hedges also smeared as an anti-Semite. Nobody on line has ever accused me of anti-Semitism in 22 years . My blog goes back to 1997.
The Church of Scientology regularly questions the sanity of any dissident member and humiliates him or her in public. YOU must be an SEP " Clear ".
So THE COMING REVOLUTION will be organized from the World Socialist Web Site but during office hours only . NO labor UNIONS are invited to storm the Trump Towers . Send a check to CEO in charge of THE REVOLUTION David Green . Credit cards are accepted : send $1000 ... ? $500 ... $100 ...
$50 .
Includes a gift certificate for the first two " Society of the Godless " lectures.
Also recommended: TWO MINUTES HATE before the creepy pic of " Catholic , anti-Semite , fascist " Radical Ron.
Despite SEP goon smears Radical Ron remains a very INDEPENDENT democratic socialist who warns the masses about all those self-appointed VANGUARD parties that already contain the seeds of totalitarianism.
Wednesday, June 26, 2019
Democrats will support next Middle East war
The Democrats who would be president -like two dozen varieties of drugstore deodorant . They will all end up endorsing some very establishment " liberal " insider who will MAKE AMERICA HOPE AGAIN ( and again ) .
But how did liberal " progressive " Democrats become associated with HATE RUSSIA, New McCarthyism , slobbering over the CIA , FBI , shadow government of the United States and groveling before Zionist Apartheid Israel and OUR " special relationship " with bloody barbaric Saudi Arabia ?
ALL the Democrats will sing in tune when war breaks out once again in the Middle East . The two party system -long before Trump- created the Imperial Presidency to serve American imperialist interests.
How clueless , deceived , and impotent are average Americans in trying to influence foreign policy . Recall the Dalton Trumbo classic " Johnny Got His Gun " . No THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE concludes the last chapter of this anti-war novel .
Democratic Presidential Debate: See The 20 Candidates Who Will Be Onstage
When Iran and Israel BOTH have an EQUAL nuclear arsenal ?
Iran Is About To Exceed Uranium Limits. Is The Nuclear Deal Dying?
When President Trump threatens Iran with " obliteration " , what is behind that threat but the nuclear war might of the United States ?
Iran -and North Korea - and Venezuela - would be CRAZY not to develop nuclear bomb capacity .
When Iran and Israel BOTH have an EQUAL nuclear arsenal then they will talk DETENTE as did Russia and the United States in the Kennedy era .
Iran -and North Korea - and Venezuela - would be CRAZY not to develop nuclear bomb capacity .
When Iran and Israel BOTH have an EQUAL nuclear arsenal then they will talk DETENTE as did Russia and the United States in the Kennedy era .
No human being is a scoundrel in their own eyes - young Hitler far from a moral monster
The SEP hacks are political thugs with no respect for truth, facts, or revolutionary honor. Anybody can consult Disqus or my personal blog going back 20 years to judge for themselves how so very ZERO is the evidence of my " anti-Semitism ".
Produce ANY quotation from my past comments on the WSWS that could mark me as a neo-Nazi or any kind of fascist or reactionary.
And how telling - when some SEP lackey of the Socialist EQUALITY Party stoops to calling ANY human being - working class , middle class, capitalist class , or NO CLASS - a " NOBODY " .
Hundreds share my opinion of the SEP : it is a David North personality cult . It is a money begging swindle . Its self-advertising is right down there with old Kevin Trudeau commercials on late night TV. But in general ALL Trotskyist self-appointed VANGUARD socialist parties have degenerated into weird personality cults - very much like the " Church of Scientology "
The political Left in general flounders in futility because of its implacable hostility to Christianity and Catholicism in particular.
NOWHERE are THE MASSES shouting for a godless totalitarianism. When Pope John Paul visited Poland in 1979 THE MASSES were shouting " We Want God ! " ( see Peggy Noonan's book ) .
As for " anti-Semitism " I never said anything about Jews and Zionism much different from what Chris Hedges said . Hedges was interviewed by David North on the WSWS a while back .
To be sure , David North gets a lot of things right and has done some honest and conscientious studies on Stalinism and the Russian Revolution.
Human beings are complex and nobody is a scoundrel in their own eyes. The young Hitler is far from a moral monster in some chapters of " Mein Kampf ". He had some interesting criticism of public education in Weimar Republic Germany of the 1920s. The STALINIST Communist Party in Germany back then was an easy target for Nazi propaganda.
Just WHO is meddling in " OUR democracy " ?
Elizabeth Warren Pushes Election Security Plan
The most sinister and subversive people sabotaging " OUR democracy " operate in the shadow government of the United States ( presently a thorn in the side of President Trump ) and stand out as American plutocrats controlling both the Democrat Party and the Republican Party. And the " Greater Israel Agenda " most often decides this shadow government's agenda .
The CIA led " shadow government USA " does not hesitate to meddle in foreign elections - even arranging convenient assassinations as in Chile in 1973 ,possibly in Venezuela in 2019 .
The CIA led " shadow government USA " does not hesitate to meddle in foreign elections - even arranging convenient assassinations as in Chile in 1973 ,possibly in Venezuela in 2019 .
Tuesday, June 25, 2019
Of course , neurotic Jews are prominent in many socialist parties
How sad that a " Trotskyist " sect can sound so Creepo Stalinist using Soviet era charlatan. " psychiatry " to discredit any honest critic of the regime. A TV documentary on the Church of Scientology shows how the leaders also resort to psycho-babble to put down ANY dissent from awakening individuals.
By the way, you confuse " sociopath " with " psychopath " . No way will a thuggish " socialist sect " ( GOOGLE , Socialist Equality Party , David North and see how many are the flattering views ) win the hearts and mind of THE MASSES - many of whom are devout Christians . Do you propose an unholy alliance with the obnoxious New Atheists ?
On other web sites -like WBUR - the liberal , oh-so-democratic , trolls never fail to tell me to take my meds. I am also banned on the Brown Daily Herald Web Site and on the ABC on line ( I guess a few moderate comments saying that Iran had as much right to nuclear weapons as Israel defined me as a malevolent Neo-Nazi ). No liberals or sectarian socialists defend my FREE SPEECH rights. I defend the FREE SPEECH rights on campus of ALL conservative speakers .
What the SEP zombies have in common with your" leftist " enemies is a marked contempt for the FREE SPEECH and FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization. As for " neurotic Jews " they remain prominent in socialist parties . I like the Groucho Marx quote : " How could I join any organization that would have me as a member ".
There is no Jewish working class in Israel . There is an arrogant settler class very similar to the white racist settler class of old South Africa. Black Muslim Malcolm X could say this even about two-face David North / David Green : " Show me a capitalist and I'll show you a blood sucker ".
The STATE of Israel , arrogant Zionism , has corrupted the social conscience of Jews as a people. This Biblical idolatry for the " Promised Land " has made even American Jews - once so cosmopolitan - the most ethno-centric people on the planet.
Hard to find a public intellectual Jew in recent decades -since the 1967 war - who is not a pompous pillar of Apartheid Israel.
There is a dearth of articles sympathetic to the Palestinians in the World Socialist Web Site.
It is clearly being intimidated by charges of " anti-Semitism " directed at leftist parties and organizations -like the British Labor Party.
Millions in the streets protesting any war for " Greater Israel "
Trump Announces New Economic Sanctions Against Iran's Leaders
How can any " progressive " liberal with some memory of the Vietnam Anti-War or the Iraq War protest movements sound like Secretary of State " Hawk Hillary " Clinton - so beloved by the Zionist Israel lobby ?
The American people will not support any war to make the world safe for Zionist Apartheid Israel and barbaric Saudi Arabia .
There could be MILLIONS in the streets if the Trump-Netanyahu gang starts World War III .
The American people will not support any war to make the world safe for Zionist Apartheid Israel and barbaric Saudi Arabia .
There could be MILLIONS in the streets if the Trump-Netanyahu gang starts World War III .
" I hear you're a conspiracy theorist , anti-Semite loon " ... And Radical Ron " hears " that you are a child molester !
"The only crackpot Ruggieri is you. I've seen you spam literally everywhere on the WSWS social media because of the fact you were denied from commenting which is not something that is done flippantly I may add. David North doesn't control what the moderators do on the wsws. But from what I hear you're a conspiracy theorist, antisemite loon. If you believed that it rivals the church of Scientology then why did you read their material every day and why do the wsws allow dissenting views in the comments (except from when there is clear racism or fascism present) ?. Democratic socialists love to sugarcoat their secret love for reformism and bourgeois democracy. Antithetical to Socialist revolution and the vanguard party of the working class. "
How does a sober Marxist define " conspiracy theorist " ? Any reader of the World Socialist Web Site was presumably free to correct any of my numerous comments there. There was no negative FEEDBACK . I had more than the usual UP VOTES. Why the SUDDEN shut off ?
Produce ONE comment I made that could designate me as a " fascist " or " anti-Semite " or even " resident Catholic " . Does Catholic = fascist in the minds of sectarian " socialist " fanatics who will NEVER establish any roots in the real working class ?
The WORKING CLASS Trotskyist sectarians imagine is a pure ideological construct disconnected from reality . Real working class people are not languishing with a longing for the DICTATORSHIP OF THE PROLETARIAT or for dreary lectures from any " Society of the Godless " .
Real working class people are not rioting cut-throats . Real working class people will not grovel before any BIG BROTHER " Great Leader " or intellectually and spiritually constipated Central Committee. OK here is one of my conspiracy theories : A group of FBI agents and internal SEP crypto-Zionists-planted in the World Socialist Web Site- were policing it for evidence of anti-Semitism as determined by the editorial board of the New York Times.
Although he said nothing on Zionist Israel that any SEP writer might have said, Ron Ruggieri was singled out for suspicious ( and FALSE ) anti-Semitism.
Could you not let readers judge who is a " conspiracy theorist " ? Who an " anti-Semite " ? Who a " fascist " ? Who the " resident Catholic ". [ By the way , I prefer the pre-Vatican II Catholic Church which at least preserved the mystique of THE FAITH .]
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