Wednesday, November 4, 2015

" Ragged Dave " --- kin to Brown Medical School Alpert Family

" Do you have any insight or expertise on this topic ? " I have some insight on the upper class family misery connected to these often rather narcissistic gifts to Brown University. My mother , Janet , worked for 25 years at Brown's student infirmary - Andrews House. She loved it and the staff loved her. But her pension check in 2011-the year she died- was just $ 100.00 ( one hundred dollars ) per month. Could not rich Brown University have afforded to be a little more generous to Ma--- and hundreds of university employees like her ?
A long time friend of mine is a blood relative of the late Gracie Alpert who left her own legacy to the Alpert Medical School a few years ago. She was interested in brain disease and disorder research. Her nephew David -now homeless and often living in an old Lincoln Town Car- is showing signs of dementia . David calls me every day to report his minute by minute problems. He tries to call " Wes ", Gracie's surviving husband, but " Wes " always hangs up on him. Could not a small part of the Alpert family money at least be set aside to keep my troubled friend from being a homeless, hungry , despondent, troublesome, public nuisance ?
This morning he called me at 8:30. He forgot his cell phone at the Warwick Public Library. The manager of Motel 6 in Warwick is annoyed with him too. He goes by the legal name of Dave Nelson. And Dave does drive that old Lincoln Town Car- rather dangerously.
Dave lives on SSI as he has almost no work record. He spent a lot of money when " life was good ".
A Rhode Island soap opera ? Yes, but quite true .

Grace Alpert, Brown University legacy
My mother, Janet , loved her job at Brown University 's Andrews House

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