Sunday, November 22, 2015

Belgium - " chickens coming home to roost "

Imperialism in the Belgian Congo

How can we in the Western " democracies " even imagine why those often dark and sinister THIRD WORLD PEOPLE have a chip on their shoulder- even if far from " terrorists " themselves ? What, for example, did the nice people who rule and ruled Belgium do to deserve this nightmare ? Let's see- an introduction to a history lesson:
" The Belgian Congo is often cited as one
of the most brutal and exploitative colonial regimes in modern history.
It stands as an extreme example of the cruelty of European rule in
Africa for the sake of economic gain "
The American Black Muslim  Malcolm X would call all this " chickens coming home to roost "
Perhaps one democratic right of working class people must be to choose their own political enemies . In defending its capitalist and imperialist interests our ruling class has less and less respect for " democracy " at home .
STATE TERRORISM is just as wrong as the mindless rage-terrorism of the oppressed.
Let a United Nations police force check rage-terrorism. And introduce a measure of JUSTICE into the lives of these super-oppressed, super-exploited THIRD WORLD PEOPLE.
No justice, no peace !

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