Tuesday, November 3, 2015

If the American voters voted their CLASS interests ?

Bernie Sanders names names
   If voters voted their CLASS interests,the big corporations would not have a snowball's chance in hell of selling Ayn Rand philosophy to the American people.What the American ruling class does -to control the government-is play intricate Hidden Persuader divide and conquer games. In Rhode Island, for example, there was just recently a Talk Radio controversy over the phrase " white privilege ". A socialist like Bernie Sanders understands the social reality behind this divisive phrase but sees it in the context of a class divided society. The poor whites are nearly invisible to the mainstream media. Yet MOST poor people in America are white. It is foolish to link any economically " underprivileged " group with advantages of the one and only privileged CLASS.
It is about time for American Socialism to go mainstream.So I am a critical supporter of Bernie Sanders. But he really should encourage an independent third party. We need a Labor Party here-comparable in size and clout to the British Labor Party.
Most poor people in America are white

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