Friday, November 27, 2015

A vote for Bernie Sanders is a vote for a better America ?

"Bernie 2016" bumper stickers are suddenly becoming a common sight on the roadways –
indeed "there's something happening here . . ."
For a better America...

As a democratic Socialist myself -and a registered Democrat in Rhode Island-I am proud of Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont for helping to detoxify the word SOCIALISM. For Sale "intellectuals" have long associated it with the Stalinist nightmare of the Soviet Union or the suppression of everything most Americans think worth living for.

Even the ONE PERCENT will not be denied the "right to happiness" in a saner, more just social order than capitalism.

I would say a vote for Socialism is a vote for a better America. I hope that a vote for Bernie Sanders in the primary does not transfer to a very different- very compromised-very pro-Wall Street - Democrat, Hillary Clinton.

Only a scandalous- for "democracy"- low voter turn out in Election 2016 will give victory to the Ayn Rand fanatics– the Republicans.

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