Thursday, November 19, 2015

The former colonialist powers bomb Syria day and night- scorn the refugees

Karl Marx pointed out way back in 1848 in his Communist Manifesto :" The working people have no country ". To this ruling class inspired xenophobia, inflamed by Islamophobia , socialists around the world raise the banner of INTERNATIONAL WORKING CLASS SOLIDARITY.
Senator Bernie Sanders should read -or re-read- the famous speech of Eugene V. Debs , his Canton Speech. Debs opposed the Great War, the war to make the world safe for democracy. Debs explained that the war was all about imperialist interests and that rabid nationalism could only be toxic to ordinary working class people.
If Martin Luther King were alive today , he would say about this " war on terrorism " just what he said about the criminal Vietnam War : The United States is the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today.
Daily injustice in the lives of so many Middle East people is also a form of terrorism. The former colonialist powers bomb Syria day and night and then deny the thousands of refugees any shelter in their homelands.
No bells will toll in Notre Dame Cathedral for the faceless COLLATERAL DAMAGE of this moral catastrophe- and miserable failure- war on terrorism.

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