Thursday, November 19, 2015

For WHOM the bell tolls ?

  No serious student of American history will conveniently forget the well-documented -and often self-documented -WAR CRIMES OF U.S. IMPERIALISM in fighting its various and numerous enemies around the world. In general an ENEMY is any group that opposes U.S. ruling class interests. The " socialist " school-even that of Bernie Sanders- understands that the interests of this wealthy ruling class is hardly identical with the interests of the American working class.
In general, we see U.S. imperialism as the root cause of the growing strength of these Islamic terrorists groups in the Middle East today.
No bells will toll in Notre Dame Cathedral for the faceless COLLATERAL DAMAGE of these air strikes. If Martin Luther King were alive today, he would say about our war on terrorism just what he said about our criminal war in Vietnam: we are the greatest purveyors of VIOLENCE in the world today.
Ask the survivors of the bombing attack-deliberate- on the Doctors Without Borders trauma hospital in Afghanistan. This story was reported just weeks ago as a definite " war crime " by United Nations observers.
NO SUPPORT FOR CRIMINAL WARS in the American working class.This " war on terrorism " is both a moral catastrophe and a miserable failure.

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