Tuesday, May 5, 2015

It's a complex world- racist PC security guard

As a socialist I have always perceived racism as one of the evils of the capitalist system. But there is also an odd CLASS angle to this story.. Our class /status structure would put the black female college professor on a higher level than some white blue collar -and low paid-security guard. What if this guard at Providence College just thought he was doing his job : " protecting the campus " from sinister looking outsiders ? And then he is scolded-or even fired. And the " victim " here, Dr. Jordan Zachary , hailed as a civil rights heroine ?
Racism has deep social roots. It won't be eliminated by ludicrous " sensitivity training ". Assuming a particular security guard is accurately described as a racist, will losing his job improve his attitude about black people ? More likely he might gravitate to a neo-Nazi group. It's a complex world !


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