Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Sunday, June 30, 2024
Saturday, June 29, 2024
See what news outlets around the world are saying about the CNN debate
The Joe Biden administration is packed with very pro-Israel ZIONIST Jews . Backed by mainstream news media ( until now very soft on senile Joe ) they must see corrupt , senile , creepy Joe Biden as their proverbial useful idiot .
The vast majority of working class CHRISTIAN USA is not applauding nuclear World War III with POST COMMUNIST Russia. Nor will they vote APPROVE for APARTHEID Israel's genocide in Gaza, Palestine. Neither the Democratic Party nor the Republican Party speaks for us .
Obnoxious Gene Valicenti
Is it not bad form for " Rhode Island's Anchorman" Gene Valicenti to tell his radio 630WPRO listeners and beloved "seagulls" that he will not receive or read emails? Just who does this obnoxious world class narcissist think he is?
Friday, June 28, 2024
The secret of the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia
Leon Trotsky wrote that the secret of the triumph of the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia in 1917 was the leader Lenin seeing life from the perspective of the most oppressed class.
Goddard Park-Warwick, Rhode Island USA
A recent Twilight visit to Goddard Park in Warwick , Rhode Island brought back memories of happy family picnics there in 1950s and 1960s. On a recent visit with my friend Dave , I found the park - a state treasure - even bigger and lovelier than I remembered it as a kid . Only I wish RIPTA would provide city residents bus service to Goddard Park.
See what news outlets around the world are saying about the CNN debate
The Joe Biden administration is packed with very pro-Israel ZIONIST Jews . Backed by mainstream news media ( until now very soft on senile Joe ) they must see corrupt , senile , creepy Joe Biden as their proverbial useful idiot .
The vast majority of working class CHRISTIAN USA is not applauding nuclear World War III with POST COMMUNIST Russia. Nor will they vote APPROVE for APARTHEID Israel's genocide in Gaza, Palestine. Neither the Democratic Party nor the Republican Party speaks for us .
Review of Maggiacomo Frank P DO
Review of Maggiacomo Frank P DO on Google Maps
Based on indirect knowledge my neighbor , 91 year old Rita Zeoli of Randall Manor ( 75 Mathewson St. Cranston, Apt. 212 ), a patient of Dr. Maggiacomo , is not getting the care she needs . It seems that her over the counter acetominophin is inadequate for her severe arthritis pain. She is half bent over and with her cane is just an accident waiting to happen in her apartment across the hall from me. Her out of state son is limited in what he can do for her. At least she needs a visiting nurse to help her with cooking and personal hygiene. Rita frequently calls me to check her mail and take out her garbage. She definitely has early ( ? ) dementia .
Trump, Biden debate abortion access | CNN Presidential Debate 2024
I like what the WORLD SOCIALIST WEB SITE said about last night's presidential debate :
[ " Thursday night’s debate between Democratic President Joe Biden and Republican ex-President Donald Trump was a totally degraded spectacle. One candidate could barely finish a sentence, while reiterating his commitment to US military supremacy and war against Russia. The other openly defended the attempted fascist coup of January 6, 2021 in which he attempted to establish a presidential dictatorship. "]
Q&A: Political analyst breaks down the presidential debate
What we are really seeing is not more evidence of Joe Biden's senility or Donald Trump's villainy . We are witnessing the meltdown of the effete TWO PARTY SYSTEM in " OUR democracy " in the 21st century.
Chuck Todd: Democrats in ‘full-on panic’ over President Biden’s debate p...
A fair presidential debate in " OUR democracy " would have included INDEPENDENT Robert F. Kennedy Jr. blackballed by the WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party and smeared as a crackpot anti-Semite in the mainstream news media. Also , a fair presidential debate would have included right wing and left wing candidates of various third parties.
As a democratic socialist I would vote for any coherent , non-violent SOCIALIST party. Sad to say, many once functional Marxist parties have degenerated into bizarre personality cults. Correct me if I am wrong here.
The biggest mistake of the old Soviet Union was NOT socialism. It was foolishly declaring the post-Bolshevik Revolution regime " to be officially atheist "; and you could just shut up if you dissent as a wretched " God-Seeker " . What can be more ridiculous than any bureaucratic view of ULTIMATE QUESTIONS ? To be sure ,the COSMOS is not arranged to favor any political system . But being RATIONAL and HUMANE helps as does tested SCIENCE .
Man in the Middle Gene Valicenti?
Gene Valicenti always promotes himself as the Reasonable Middle.Until his philistine petty bourgeois nose tells him which way the political winds are blowing. This morning along with the usual slobbering over sponsors Gene slobbers over last night presidential debate victor Donald Trump- the right wing populist blowhard.
Perhaps ACLU can tell me?
Gene does not OWN the 630WPRO phone number 401-438-9776. So where do my texts- mostly Democratic Socialist views- go? To Israeli INTELLIGENCE? To the discredited FBI-CIA ? An ACLU lawyer could tell me?
Perhaps ACLU can tell me?
Gene does not OWN the 630WPRO phone number 401-438-9776. So where do my texts- mostly Democratic Socialist views- go? To Israeli INTELLIGENCE? To the discredited FBI-CIA ? An ACLU lawyer could tell me?
OUR democracy on Talk Radio?
I cannot imagine any half respectable mainstream newspaper editor rebuking me for writing dissenting letters to the editor. But Talk Radio's Gene Valicenti?
Mafia movie lover Gene Valicenti?
Yesterday on the air Gene Valicenti said that I ("Ridiculous Ron") " will not be heard from anymore...adrift at sea". Clearly Gene who watches too many Mafia movies and quotes favorite lines sees me "sleeping with the fishes".Does the very word SOCIALIST drive him wacky?
Thursday, June 27, 2024
No champion of FREE SPEECH in " OUR democracy " 630WPRO's Gene Valicenti ?
This morning , June 27, 2024 . A text message from Gene Valicenti to " Ridiculous Ron " : " Rhode Island's Anchorman", 630WPRO's Gene Valicenti just announced on air :"Ridiculous Ron , you never will be heard f rom again. You are now drifting on the sea ". Of course Gene's Talk Radio farce is not the whole sea". Ron. His listeners NEVER heard from " Ridiculous Ron".
What was there about my texts to so called PUBLIC FORUM " Talk Radio 630WPRO that made me such an outcast here ? Rather traditional democratic socialist views ?
Ron in exile?
Steve, " Rhode Island's Anchorman", 630WPRO's Gene Valicenti just announced on air :"Ridiculous Ron , you never will be heard From again.You are now drifting on the sea ". Of course Gene's Talk Radio farce is not the whole sea". His listeners NEVER heard from " Ridiculous Ron".
Obsessions of "Ridiculous Ron"
. . " your constant emails obsessed with us are creepy and pathological. It's very creepy" . / From 630WPRO Talk Radio host Matt Allen. Tell Matt that the range of "creepy" topics that obsess me can be found on my Facebook page ( maximum 5000 friends ) and on Radical Ron's Blog Spot ( 710,000 + views). Friends share my "madness" !
Remembering beloved family dog Skipper
Skipper. Johnny, Steve recovered his portrait of beloved family dog Skipper. Dad said he jumped out of a cage into boy John's arms. Love to all , brother Ron.
Wednesday, June 26, 2024
Fwd: Skipper
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Steve Ruggieri <>
Date: Wed, Jun 26, 2024, 3:51 PM
Subject: Skipper
To: Ron Ruggieri <>
From: Steve Ruggieri <>
Date: Wed, Jun 26, 2024, 3:51 PM
Subject: Skipper
To: Ron Ruggieri <>
Hi Ron,
I dug up this old pastel painting I did of old Skipper back in the 70's. I thought you'd enjoy it.
Talk soon!
Steve your recovered picture of beloved family dog Skipper is worthy of Vincent Van Gogh! Those eyes!
Time to cancel ubiquitous Talk Radio?
Time for the cancel culture to cancel effete and ubiquitous Talk Radio in "OUR democracy".The entrenched celebs are invariably the voice of the collective American petty bourgeoisie.Always out of touch with the working class majority.
Video Now: US surgeon general declares gun violence a public health emer...
We cannot have a more principled anti-gun violence president in the White House than corrupt , senile , creepy , " Sleepy Joe " Biden. He will consider rounding up all " weapons of war " guns in " OUR democracy " and ship them over to the warmonger, embezzler V. Zelensky in " Greater Israel " Ukraine or to the certified ( by the International Court ) war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu in Zionist APARTHEID Israel.
As a long time independent democratic socialist I will suggest that gun violence will only end in " The Sane Society " not based on imperialist war and FOR PROFIT capitalism.
Gene Valicenti
Gene Valicenti's personal interest in daily stock market reports categorizes him - and his ideas and opinions- as American petty-bourgeoisie.And so are Talk Radio celebs in general in "OUR democracy". All out of touch with the American working class.
Gene Valicenti
Vonage : auto ban. Will someone on the 630WPRO Talk Radio staff please tell world class narcissist Gene Valicenti that communicating with him is not an envied privilege. He is implacably hostile to democratic socialist ideas in " OUR democracy" and never reads on air any of my texts anyway. A real screwball " Rhode Island's Anchorman" ! I forward all texts to my blog and Facebook page.
Tuesday, June 25, 2024
Popular feeling for Biden in blue statered state Rhode Island
Ron- thought you'd enjoy this photo showing how one of my Johnston neighborhood "deplorables" is not holding back their feelings by displaying a large "F**K BIDEN" banner over their porch. Note: and the latest Rhode Island poll??
Julian Assange agrees to plead guilty
In the matter of US government ( " OUR democracy " ) persecuted Julian Assange : TOP SECRET documents are above all TOP SECRET from the American people who would be ashamed of the crimes and foul assassinations committed in the interests of " national security ". To be sure , these dark deeds ( like the assassination of President Kennedy in 1963 , of Malcolm X in 1965 , of Martin Luther King in 1968 , of the democratically elected president of Chile , Salvador Allende in 1973 , and much more ) are done in the service of the American plutocracy . Working class Americans derive ZERO benefits from Deep State EVIL.
Julian Assange and Edward Snowden are heroes of OUR democracy ( what remains of it for the American working class ). The sun is setting on American imperialism and Israeli Zionism together forever in crimes against humanity !
" 71% of Americans say they believe Robert F. Kennedy Jr. should be included in the presidential debates "
Kennedy-Shanahan 24
Dear Ron,
Presidents Biden and Trump do not want RFK Jr. on the debate stage and CNN illegally agreed to their demand. The exclusion is undemocratic, un-American, and cowardly.
The Biden and Trump campaigns are terrified of debating RFK Jr. They know the result of the debate would catapult Bobby into the national spotlight, with devastating consequences for the two-party candidates.
They don't just fear the competition from the independent candidate, but would also rather not address the real issues that concern most Americans.
They do not want to discuss the bloated national debt, which they both contributed to, the forever wars that they both support, the chronic disease epidemic, which they both ignore and the corruption of federal agencies, which neither knows how to stop even if they want to.
Meanwhile, in a recent poll, 71% of Americans said they believe Robert F. Kennedy Jr. should be included in presidential debates.
NOTE the scratch over of Robert F. Kennedy's name on my Facebook post
What is really going on in POLITICS USA is a profound crisis of the capitalist system. There is an ongoing ideological BRAWL ( at times physical as on that Jan.6 day of infamy ) within the American ruling class. But neither the Democrats or the Republicans have any principled disagreements on the moral righteousness of American imperialism, Israeli Zionism, and everyday capitalist exploitation and oppression of the American working class of whatever race , religion, or ethnic group . The Democratic Party and the Republican Party consider ALL third parties - especially democratic socialist or orthodox Marxist-Leninist parties anathema. Even INDEPENDENT Robert F. Kennedy Jr. himself a slandered and blackballed " Profile in Courage " - is excluded from the upcoming presidential campaign debate . Local 630 WPRO Talk Radio daily serves the American ruling class by blocking any callers or texters that think outside the box on the burning social-political issues of the day ( Let " Rhode Island's egocentric anchorman " Gene Valicenti explain this ). In general, the mainstream news media is blatantly hostile to long suffering Palestinians , favoring Zionist APARTHEID Israel, and coldly indifferent to Israeli genocide in Gaza ( despite International Criminal Court condemnation of the war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu ) . Nor is it perturbed with endless US support for the warmonger , embezzler V. Zelensky in Ukraine's proxy war with POST-COMMUNIST Russia. For Election 2024 I see Robert F. Kennedy as the lesser " lesser evil ". And I support him on my blog and Facebook page. And of course , I support any SOCIALIST parties trying to get on the ballot in " OUR democracy " .
Poll: Biden holds single-digit lead in RI; McKee job approval slumps to 36%
What is really going on in POLITICS USA is a profound crisis of the capitalist system. There is an ongoing ideological BRAWL ( at times physical as on that Jan.6 day of infamy ) within the American ruling class. But neither the Democrats nor the Republicans have any principled disagreements on the moral righteousness of American imperialism, Israeli Zionism, and everyday capitalist exploitation and oppression of the American working class of whatever race , religion, or ethnic group .
The Democratic Party and the Republican Party consider ALL third parties - especially democratic socialist or orthodox Marxist-Leninist parties anathema. Even INDEPENDENT Robert F. Kennedy Jr. himself a slandered and blackballed " Profile in Courage " - is excluded from the upcoming presidential campaign debate .
Local 630 WPRO Talk Radio daily serves the American ruling class by blocking any callers or texters that think outside the box on the burning social-political issues of the day ( Let " Rhode Island's egocentric anchorman " Gene Valicenti explain this ).
In general, the mainstream news media is blatantly hostile to long suffering Palestinians , favoring Zionist APARTHEID Israel, and coldly indifferent to Israeli genocide in Gaza ( despite International Criminal Court condemnation of the war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu ) . Nor is it perturbed with endless US support for the warmonger , embezzler V. Zelensky in Ukraine's proxy war with POST-COMMUNIST Russia.
For Election 2024 I see Robert F. Kennedy as the lesser " lesser evil ". And I support him on my blog and Facebook page. And of course , I support any SOCIALIST parties trying to get on the ballot in " OUR democracy " .
What is really going on in Politics USA is a profound crisis of the TWO PARTY SYSTEM and of the capitalist system
What is really going on in POLITICS USA is a profound crisis of the capitalist system. There is an ongoing ideological BRAWL ( at times physical as on that Jan.6 day of infamy ) within the American ruling class. But neither the Democrats or the Republicans have any principled disagreements on the moral righteousness of American imperialism, Israeli Zionism, and everyday capitalist exploitation and oppression of the American working class of whatever race , religion, or ethnic group .
The Democratic Party and the Republican Party consider ALL third parties - especially democratic socialist or orthodox Marxist-Leninist parties anathema. Even INDEPENDENT Robert F. Kennedy Jr. himself a slandered and blackballed " Profile in Courage " - is excluded from the upcoming presidential campaign debate .
Local 630 WPRO Talk Radio daily serves the American ruling class by blocking any callers or texters that think outside the box on the burning social-political issues of the day ( Let " Rhode Island's egocentric anchorman " Gene Valicenti explain this ).
In general, the mainstream news media is blatantly hostile to long suffering Palestinians , favoring Zionist APARTHEID Israel, and coldly indifferent to Israeli genocide in Gaza ( despite International Criminal Court condemnation of the war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu ) . Nor is it perturbed with endless US support for the warmonger , embezzler V. Zelensky in Ukraine's proxy war with POST-COMMUNIST Russia.
For Election 2024 I see Robert F. Kennedy as the lesser " lesser evil ". And I support him on my blog and Facebook page. And of course , I support any SOCIALIST parties trying to get on the ballot in " OUR democracy " .
Poll: Biden holds single-digit lead in RI; McKee job approval slumps to 36%
vvFrom Gene Valicenti @630WPRO
Vonage : auto block: extended
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In the matter of Julian Assange TOP SECRET government documents above all are top secret from the American people.We would be ashamed by CIA ,FBI , Pentagon crimes against humanity.
at 6:27 AM No comments:
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MONDAY, JUNE 24, 2024
Why should any public news media block any communication? Is this not as much their life blood as sponsors?
at 3:30 PM No comments:
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Screw ball Gene Valicenti
Vonage : auto ban. Will someone on the 630WPRO Talk Radio staff please tell world class narcissist Gene Valicenti that communicating with him is not an envied privilege. He is implacably hostile to democratic socialist ideas in " OUR democracy" and never reads on air any of my texts anyway. A real screwball " Rhode Island's Anchorman" ! I forward all texts to my blog and Facebook page.
at 1:44 PM No comments:
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Monday, June 24, 2024
Screw ball Gene Valicenti
Vonage : auto ban. Will someone on the 630WPRO Talk Radio staff please tell world class narcissist Gene Valicenti that communicating with him is not an envied privilege. He is implacably hostile to democratic socialist ideas in " OUR democracy" and never reads on air any of my texts anyway. A real screwball " Rhode Island's Anchorman" ! I forward all texts to my blog and Facebook page.
'I Just Wanna Get This Straight...': Jim Jordan Shocked By Judge Merchan...
The Trump Sex Trial in New York City only confirmed the cynical Marxist view of THE LAW in capitalist society: THE LAW represents the WILL of the ruling class in conflict with itself and with the middle and working class in " OUR democracy ".
Karl Marx also observed that " the ruling ideas are the ideas of the ruling class ". But on ubiquitous Talk Radio in " OUR democracy " the mostly " common people " listeners daily enter the mental world of the American petty bourgeoisie . To climb the ladder of success they are wise to find guides among their immediate social betters- the petty bourgeoisie . Above all, never display any critical thinking on THE SYSTEM with its wonderful POLICE and MILITARY ( " Thank you for your service ! " ).
Naturally, a world in which THEY are most comfortable is the best of all possible worlds !
Bill Maher makes grim prediction about Trump in 2024
The Hollywood Babylon culture , the general Culture of Narcissism, and the ZIONIST Jew community in " OUR democracy " seem to be virtually unanimous in their support for the re-election of corrupt , senile, creepy President Joe Biden.
Also the Black social climbing petty bourgeoisie are virtually unanimous in support for their " true friend " in the White House Joe Biden .
What 100 MILLION working class CHRISTIANS in " OUR democracy think is irrelevant to these socially oblivious people.
Also, note that Bill Maher has been honored by the obnoxious New Atheist crowd. For years now they constitute LEFT support for American imperialism and Israeli Zionism . The late drunkard , former " Trotskyist, Christopher Hitchens was their guiding light with the publication of his toxic book titled " God Is Not Great - how religion poisons everything " . Was the New Atheism sponsored by secular ZIONIST Jews ?
[ 'Maher received the 2009 Richard Dawkins Award from Atheist Alliance International.[143] He was an advisory board member of author Sam Harris's Project Reason, a foundation that promotes scientific knowledge and secular values within society.[144] In 2023, while still being critical of religion, Maher discussed some of his spiritual queries and interests with long-time friend and new age guru, Deepak Chopra. ' From WIKI bio
US aircraft carrier arrives in South Korea as Putin threatens to arm Nor...
The ZIONIST Jew censorship is aggressively trying to block anti-war public opinion in " OUR democracy " . Can 100 MILLION working class CHRISTIANS be intimidated into silence on Israeli war crimes -on genocide - in Gaza , Palestine ? Intimidated into silence on the warmonger embezzler V. Zelensky in " Greater Israel " Ukraine ?
Time to cancel Talk Radio and ban prescription medicine advertising on TV ?
dronpsStoet6mh6cn78mh6aulh48lum784 0owJt8c278f4fu12ms7939209 · YouTube ·
Shared with Public

Jul 18
Do YOU think that TV and radio advertising for prescription drugs should be banned ? In general ,we live in the Golden Age of False Advertising . The prescription drug commercials which sponsor local Channel 10, Channel 12, Channel 6 news in my state of Rhode Island are ethically INSANE. Of course , they should be banned !
In general , we live in the Golden Age of False Advertising. ALL the Talk Radio celebs on 630WPRO ( R.I. ) Gene, Tara, Matt, and Dan, daily slobber over program sponsors. I did text each of them while on air that this can only undermine their credibility as human being. Consequently " Rhode Island's Anchorman ", Gene Valicenti ,spitefully blocks " Ridiculous Ron " five times a month from even communicating with world class narcissist Valicenti . TRUTH is taboo on Talk Radio . Time to cancel effete Talk Radio in " OUR democracy " ?
NOTE : Does the management of 630WPRO ever plan to stop that obnoxious and charlatan NAVAGE nose cleaner commercial ?
Ron Ruggieri , 75 Mathewson St., Cranston, Rhode Island ( 401-580-7432 )

INSANE TV Prescription Drug Commercial?
Do YOU think that TV and radio advertising for prescription drugs should be banned ? In general ,we live in the Golden Age of False Advertising . The prescri...
Sunday, June 23, 2024
"Gift Economies vs. Market Economies" . . .
Hi Ron,
I like these insights from David Graeber:
The Gift or Surplus Economy
"David Graeber, an American anthropologist, has extensively studied the concept of the gift economy, which is a system of exchange where goods and services are given without expectation of immediate return or reciprocity. In his work, Graeber argues that the gift economy is a fundamental aspect of human society, and that it has been present throughout history.
Key Principles of the Gift Economy
According to Graeber, the gift economy is characterized by the following principles:
No expectation of reciprocity: In a gift economy, there is no expectation of immediate return or reciprocity. Gifts are given without the expectation of receiving something in return.
"David Graeber, an American anthropologist, has extensively studied the concept of the gift economy, which is a system of exchange where goods and services are given without expectation of immediate return or reciprocity. In his work, Graeber argues that the gift economy is a fundamental aspect of human society, and that it has been present throughout history.
Key Principles of the Gift Economy
According to Graeber, the gift economy is characterized by the following principles:
No expectation of reciprocity: In a gift economy, there is no expectation of immediate return or reciprocity. Gifts are given without the expectation of receiving something in return.
No commodity exchange: In a gift economy, goods and services are not exchanged as commodities. Instead, they are given as gifts.
Social relationships: The gift economy is based on social relationships and social obligations. Gifts are given to maintain and strengthen social bonds. Non-commodified: The gift economy is non-commodified, meaning that goods and services are not valued based on their market price.
Examples of Gift Economies
Graeber provides several examples of gift economies throughout history and across different cultures. For example: Indigenous societies: In many indigenous societies, gift economies were a fundamental aspect of social organization. For example, in some Native American societies, food was shared without expectation of return.
Ancient Greece: In ancient Greece, the concept of "charis" referred to the social obligation to reciprocate a gift. However, this obligation was not necessarily tied to a specific return gift, but rather to the maintenance of social relationships.
Traditional societies: In many traditional societies, gift economies were a way of life. For example, in some African societies, cattle were given as gifts to maintain social relationships and to demonstrate wealth.
Critique of the Market Economy
Graeber argues that the market economy, which is based on commodity exchange and reciprocity, is a relatively recent development in human history. He argues that the market economy has led to the erosion of social relationships and the commodification of goods and services."
Social relationships: The gift economy is based on social relationships and social obligations. Gifts are given to maintain and strengthen social bonds. Non-commodified: The gift economy is non-commodified, meaning that goods and services are not valued based on their market price.
Examples of Gift Economies
Graeber provides several examples of gift economies throughout history and across different cultures. For example: Indigenous societies: In many indigenous societies, gift economies were a fundamental aspect of social organization. For example, in some Native American societies, food was shared without expectation of return.
Ancient Greece: In ancient Greece, the concept of "charis" referred to the social obligation to reciprocate a gift. However, this obligation was not necessarily tied to a specific return gift, but rather to the maintenance of social relationships.
Traditional societies: In many traditional societies, gift economies were a way of life. For example, in some African societies, cattle were given as gifts to maintain social relationships and to demonstrate wealth.
Critique of the Market Economy
Graeber argues that the market economy, which is based on commodity exchange and reciprocity, is a relatively recent development in human history. He argues that the market economy has led to the erosion of social relationships and the commodification of goods and services."
Talk soon!
Saturday, June 22, 2024
US renews warning after officials say Chinese forces seized 2 boats in P...
American imperialism daily WARNS China, WARNS, Russia, WARNS Iran, WARNS North Korea, WARNS Cuba, WARNS Venezuela. And always in a sanctimonious tone of righteous realpolitik !
A mild rebuke to Zionist APARTHEID Israel for genocide in Gaza, Palestine . A more sour scolding to the International Criminal Court for condemning war criminal Israeli president Benjamin Netanyahu.
The Joe Biden administration is packed with ZIONIST Jews hell bent on nuclear World War III . And they are backed - no surprise here - by the mainstream news media.. For decades now what working class CHRISTIANS think in " OUR democracy " has been mocked as the hateful notions of blue collar " deplorables ".
Have a referendum on the wisdom of the next world war ? What do a few million ZIONIST Jews think ? What do more than 100 million working class CHRISTIANS think ?
Can " OUR democracy " ever rise above what Marx described as " the ideas of the ruling class " ?
Fwd: [EXT]Fwd: Watch "Censored texts sent to Gene Valicenti 630WPRO,R.I." on YouTube
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Matt Allen <>
Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2024 at 11:55
Subject: Re: [EXT]Fwd: Watch "Censored texts sent to Gene Valicenti 630WPRO,R.I." on YouTube
To: Ron Ruggieri <>
From: Matt Allen <>
Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2024 at 11:55
Subject: Re: [EXT]Fwd: Watch "Censored texts sent to Gene Valicenti 630WPRO,R.I." on YouTube
To: Ron Ruggieri <>
PLEASE NOTE: This message may contain confidential information and is intended only for the individual(s) named. Employees of Cumulus Media Inc. and its subsidiaries (including Westwood One) are prohibited from disclosing confidential information to any third party. If you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. Please notify the sender immediately by e-mail if you have received this e-mail by mistake and delete this e-mail from your system. If you are not the intended recipient you are notified that disclosing, copying, distributing or taking any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited.
On Jun 20, 2024, at 11:54 AM, Ron Ruggieri <> wrote:
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2024 at 11:18
Subject: Watch "Censored texts sent to Gene Valicenti 630WPRO,R.I." on YouTube
To: Ron Ruggieri <>
CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you know the sender and you are sure the content is safe. Please report the message using the Report Message feature in your email client if you believe the email is suspicious.
Matt Allen
Talk Host, WPRO Middays
Cumulus Radio Station Group | Providence
O: 401.433.4200
1502 Wampanoag Trl East Providence RI 02915
Talk Host, WPRO Middays
Cumulus Radio Station Group | Providence
O: 401.433.4200
1502 Wampanoag Trl East Providence RI 02915
PLEASE NOTE: This message may contain confidential information and is intended only for the individual(s) named. Employees of Cumulus Media Inc. and its subsidiaries (including Westwood One) are prohibited from disclosing confidential information to any third party. If you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. Please notify the sender immediately by e-mail if you have received this e-mail by mistake and delete this e-mail from your system. If you are not the intended recipient you are notified that disclosing, copying, distributing or taking any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited.
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From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Sat, 22 Jun 2024 at 09:23
To: Ron Ruggieri <>
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Sat, 22 Jun 2024 at 09:23
To: Ron Ruggieri <>
Friday, June 21, 2024
Why Talk Radio is a joke
Can 630WPRO Talk Radio stars who daily slobber over multi sponsors even be taken seriously as human beings? Never mind as respectable shapers of " respectable" public opinion?
Good CIA news
The good news about confirmed CIA involvement in the assassination of JFK and RFK is that the awakened American working class will never again support another American imperialist criminal war.
Donny Deutsch: If Biden comes up short in the debate, will be 'devastating'
As a long time independent democratic socialist I think the coming debate between former president Donald Trump and President Joe Biden is hardly representative of the real differences of public opinion in " OUR democracy ". To be sure , the TWO PARTY SYSTEM is now rotten to the core . As Ralph Nader said long ago , it can only represent contending forces within Corporate America.
Not noticed by the mainstream news media is that the Joe Biden administration is packed with belligerent ZIONIST Jews while right wing blowhard Donald Trump claims to be the true champion of Zionist APARTHEID Israel . No surprise that a purported racist, white supremacist is still quite popular in APARTHEID Israel.
Are most American Jews very pro-Zionist ? They seem to favor Joe Biden along with the mainstream news media in " OUR democracy " . Take a poll !
Two generations ago ( the era of the Great Depression and the post -war era of McCarthyism ) quite a few American Jews were proud members of socialist and communist parties. Also , they were influential in organized labor. To be sure , ZIONISM is incompatible with SOCIALISM in general and with the principle of socialist internationalism.
I suspect that thousands of American Jews have read American socialist and Jew Irving Howe's book " World of Our Fathers " . Irving Howe's active literary and political life did end with " A Margin of Hope " ( for socialism ) .
READ below : more ZIONIST Jew censorship of anti-war American public opinion ?
Can the American ruling class - the class that LEADS the " Free World " of bourgeois " democratic " governments- with stale Wilsonian blather that was false more than a century ago - persuade the vast- mostly CHRISTIAN - working class here that collectively this UNFREE world " Axis of Evil " is so much more threatening to their well being than the everyday exploitation and oppression and social misery of " OUR Way of Life " ? As human beings the war criminal leading Zionist APARTHEID Israel , Benjamin Netanyahu , and the warmonger , embezzler V. Zelensky ,permanent leader of " Greater Israel " Ukraine, are so much more virtuous than the villains of the UNFREE world -like Vladimir Putin in Russia ? Apart from specific American " interests " ( that is, American imperialist interests ) these allies are worth going to nuclear World War III for ? Three cheers for the Greatest Holocaust ! Why not have a national referendum in " OUR democracy " on the righteousness of nuclear World War III ? For once the ruling ideas just might not be the ideas of the ruling class !
0 seconds ago
More ZIONIST Jew censorship of anti-war American public opinion ?
Gen. Keane: We haven't seen a threat like this since WWII
Can the American ruling class - the class that LEADS the " Free World " of bourgeois " democratic " governments- with stale Wilsonian blather that was false more than a century ago - persuade the vast- mostly CHRISTIAN - working class here that collectively this UNFREE world " Axis of Evil " is so much more threatening to their well being than the everyday exploitation and oppression and social misery of " OUR Way of Life " ?
As human beings the war criminal leading Zionist APARTHEID Israel , Benjamin Netanyahu , and the warmonger , embezzler V. Zelensky ,permanent leader of " Greater Israel " Ukraine, are so much more virtuous than the villains of the UNFREE world -like Vladimir Putin in Russia ? Apart from specific American " interests " ( that is, American imperialist interests ) these allies are worth going to nuclear World War III for ? Three cheers for the Greatest Holocaust !
Why not have a national referendum in " OUR democracy " on the righteousness of nuclear World War III ? For once the ruling ideas just might not be the ideas of the ruling class !
Censored texts sent to Gene Valicenti 630WPRO,R.I.
Rhode 630WPRO Talk Radio is a " Let the people speak " joke in " OUR democracy ". " Rhode Island's anchorman " Gene Valicenti on air is more and more buffoonish and narcissistic and unprofessional in connecting with American public opinion outside the smug world of the local petty bourgeoisie - clearly HIS world .
ALL the Talk Radio stars at 630WPRO cloyingly slobber over program sponsors ( this seems to be a form of " payola " - the two bit celebrity endorsement ) .
Time to cancel ubiquitous Talk Radio in " OUR democracy " - an institution which long ago left behind the real world of the American working class for the very unreal world of the neurotic and always job nervous American petty bourgeoisie ? It's time to go !
Recently I was banned on Valicenti's morning circus Talk Radio (630WPRO) show first for " volume " ( ??? ) and then for " copyright violation " ( ??? ) . The station owns MY texts ?
The TRUTH is that in " OUR democracy " any more than superficial or flippant criticism of CAPITALISM , IMPERIALISM , and ZIONISM is anathema .
As a long time independent democratic socialist I have been familiar with this treatment for years. As Karl Marx said in the middle of the 19th century : " The ruling ideas are the ideas of the ruling class ! ". That effectively limits the FREE SPEECH ,FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization .
You mean THEY won't let us grown old gracefully ? Cheerful QUORA article
From Space highlights
Icon for Aging with an Attitude
Aging with an Attitude ·
Answered by
Janice Routh
May 28
[ What did you not expect to happen as you got older?
Disrespect, no idea that would happen. I knew I aged out of clubbing in my 40’s, serious challenge landing employment in my 50’s, by 60 we had a downturn in the economy, and I was a relic. I knew I was also invisible to the opposite sex when I was no more than 30, or un-fuckable as my friend would say, but that was OK too.
Past 70, goodbye to even courtesy, have some wrinkles and people think you’re not worth a thing. They will bypass you when trying to order, they will ignore you in stores when you need service. They forget we often have fat wallets along with saggy tits or belts just under out breast for men. Balding men and women alike, young people think it’s contagious! Yes, we often can’t hear correctly but don’t ridicule or roll your eyes if we get something wrong. We may study a menu too long, so what, our eyes may be a mess, print larger! Fine print on medication is stupid, with glasses and a magnifying glass should not be necessary, its medication, we didn’t need it when we were young, make the font larger.
I’ve just began to notice that many, not all, judge us before we even speak, just lumped into Blue Hair society. We realize one thing, we got here, many that are doing the judging may not have that luxury. Be kind, smile………….. I’ve suggested to many of my contemporaries they have to smirk or smile all the time because our turned down lips appear to be a frown, it’s not, it just gravity.]
Copyright violation?
copyright violation? I assume my texts to 630WPRO if anything are my intellectual property!
Thursday, June 20, 2024
Biden edges Trump in new FOX News poll
The Joe Biden administration is packed with belligerent ZIONIST Jews daily encouraged by the mainstream news media in " OUR democracy ". They see senile, corrupt , creepy Joe Biden as their proverbial useful idiot . USEFUL for starting nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia !
American soldier sent to Russian penal colony
For more than a century democratic socialists have believed in the principle of socialist internationalism. Nuclear World War III between equally rotten ego-centric nation states would be the final dark chapter of the human " Comedy of the Absurd ".
True , the Russians do not live up to the high moral standards of Joe Biden & Son, of Donald Trump & Son in Law , of the CIA , FBI, American " Deep State ", Homeland Security , the Pentagon War Crimes Machine, and a military-industrial complex permeated with all sorts of civic virtues beyond FOR PROFIT capitalism .
How many young Americans of military age can be persuaded to join another Great Crusade ? And persuaded by stale Wilsonian blather that was false more than a century ago ?
The glory of World War II cannot possibly repeat itself . So how can it all end ? Probably like the Great Plague of the 14th Century with half the world population dead - the rest reduced to rural idiocy . Will the NY Stock Exchange survive ? High Hope springs eternal !
Climate activists arrested for defacing Stonehenge
Climate change activism and dramatics are futile until the human race achieves rational social control over mostly FOR PROFIT global industries. Appealing to CAPITALIST governments to STOP pollution is quite ludicrous. Finding world saviors in today's the WOKE WARRIOR American Democratic Party is even more ludicrous.
We must end the long reign of global capitalism or else perish as a species or learn to survive in a new Dark Age ( with a complete collapse of SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY ) . We can perhaps hold on for a million years and be saved by some surprising BENEVOLENCE FROM OUTER SPACE ( more likely the realm of Lovecraftian " cosmic horror " ) .
Fwd: Watch "Censored texts sent to Gene Valicenti 630WPRO,R.I." on YouTube
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2024 at 11:18
Subject: Watch "Censored texts sent to Gene Valicenti 630WPRO,R.I." on YouTube
To: Ron Ruggieri <>
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2024 at 11:18
Subject: Watch "Censored texts sent to Gene Valicenti 630WPRO,R.I." on YouTube
To: Ron Ruggieri <>
Derrick Anderson, Eugene Vindman, Suhas Subramanyam, Mike Clancy win in ...
The election of ZIONIST Jew , American militarist Eugene Vindman is more proof that DEEP STATE and belligerent ZIONIST Jews, hell bent on nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia, are now the virtual backbone of the Joe Biden's WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party.
There is now not a single " peacenik " voice in the Democratic Party. It is completely out of touch with working class CHRISTIANS in " OUR democracy ". And for decades now secular ZIONIST Jews have afflicted a reign of ideological terror on ALL Americans not sold on political correctness and vicious and vacuous DNC based " identity politics " . Of course, WOKE Hollywood has no problem with this !
No champion of FREE SPEECH in " OUR democracy " 630WPRO's Gene Valicenti ?
This is the response I got from the 630WPRO TALK RADIO : " BLAH BLAH BLAH BOURGEOISIE... BLAH BLAH " . Very professional , don't you think ?
As a longtime INDEPENDENT democratic socialist I do cherish the FREE SPEECH, FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization. Is there something creepy , or seedy or UN-AMERICAN about that ?
The name of " Rhode Island's Anchor " is Gene Valicenti ( one of his good points is that Gene was named to the Italo-American Hall of Fame . He is fond of lines from " Godfather " movies and " Good Fellas " .... " This is the profession we have chosen " ) . Less flattering is that Gene on air is an incurable narcissist.
In one of my texts to 630WPRO TALK RADIO I did suggest that TALK RADIO in general in " OUR democracy " has become effete , a mockery of FREE SPEECH USA .
UPDATE : Yesterday 630 WPRO Talk Radio jock Matt Allen also got unhinged at my texted suggestion that there is too much slobbering over sponsors on the air . To which he replied with professional tact : " No, you're the only one who cares ". ... " As for your opinion of my credibility... I can't tell you how much I don't care ".
I wrote that slobbering over sponsors " undermines your credibility " Then I wrote : " Your very professional response to my text is now on YOU TUBE : " Talk Radio jock gets unhinged ".
Panic ? " ok " LOL ". " Thta's ( sic ) unhinged ? "
" What's your You Tube ? " Right here , right now , Matt .
A while back Genial Gene Valicenti also told his listeners on the air ( 630 WPRO ) that " his family ( mine , " Ridiculous Ron " ) told him to get help ". " Ron did not take his meds today " , cracked Gene.
Fwd: Free Dell's Lemonade for Life?
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2024 at 07:44
Subject: Free Dell's Lemonade for Life?
To: Gregg, Katherine <>, <>, <>, <>, Tara Granahan <>, <>
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2024 at 07:44
Subject: Free Dell's Lemonade for Life?
To: Gregg, Katherine <>, <>, <>, <>, Tara Granahan <>, <>
On a hot summer day Matt on 630WPRO was slobbering so much over Dell's Lemonade yesterday that I am sure he will be offered free Dell's for life.This daily slobbering over sponsors undermines your credibility as human beings.
Fwd: Climate change activism futile ?
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Wed, 19 Jun 2024 at 13:50
Subject: Climate change activism futile ?
To: Gregg, Katherine <>, <>, <>
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Wed, 19 Jun 2024 at 13:50
Subject: Climate change activism futile ?
To: Gregg, Katherine <>, <>, <>
All climate change activism and dramatics are futile until humankind achieves rational social control over all global industries - the opposite of reckless global capitalism.
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2024 at 07:36
To: <>, Letters, NYT <>, letters <>, <>
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2024 at 07:36
To: <>, Letters, NYT <>, letters <>, <>
The ZIONIST Jew controlled mainstream news media is testing the limits of THOUGHT CONTROL on a mostly working class CHRISTIAN population.
Fwd: Censored again on 630WPRO?
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2024 at 08:08
Subject: Censored again on 630WPRO?
To: Ron Ruggieri <>
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2024 at 08:08
Subject: Censored again on 630WPRO?
To: Ron Ruggieri <>
vonage ; auto ban; 7 days
Free Dell's Lemonade for Life?
On a hot summer day Matt on 630WPRO was slobbering so much over Dell's Lemonade yesterday that I am sure he will be offered free Dell's for life.This daily slobbering over sponsors undermines your credibility as human beings.
ZIONIST Jew media and Thought Control
The ZIONIST Jew controlled mainstream news media is testing the limits of THOUGHT CONTROL on a mostly working class CHRISTIAN population.
Tuesday, June 18, 2024
On my Twilight Walk
Tonight was a fine summer breezy night for my Twilight Walk. The rest of the week probably not, Rita. Just finished my walk. Relaxing at a picnic table at a forlorn neighborhood ball park named after a guy born the same year as me ( 1947) but killed in Vietnam in 1968. This story is on my Facebook page.
CNN data guru 'speechless' over new poll
There is a profound crisis of the capitalist TWO PARTY SYSTEM in " OUR democracy ". There is an ongoing ideological BRAWL within the American ruling class, and on both sides utterly contemptuous of the real interests of the American working class. Are WE THE PEOPLE , for example, consulted on this matter of nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia, ? On OUR eternal friendship with Zionist APARTHEID Israel now carrying out genocide in Gaza , Palestine ? On OUR most expensive ally leader in " Greater Israel " Ukraine, the warmonger , embezzler V. Zelensky ? Does " communist " China not have some political equivalent of our " Monroe Doctrine " in the business of their rights over Taiwan ?
Does the American ruling class have supreme confidence in its mainstream news media efforts to stupefy the voting masses ( with stale Wilsonian blather that was false more than a century ago ? ) .
A unintentional monument to CIGARETTE BUTT BUMS in Kennedy Plaza in Prov...
On a cheerful note the CIGARETTE BUM MONUMENT was removed a while back ! Did my video here help ?
Peter Doocy: The White House is denying this
The hardcore backbone support of the Joe Biden presidency remains : belligerent ZIONIST Jews hell bent on nuclear World WAR III with POST COMMUNIST Russia ; the social climbing Black petty bourgeoisie clinging to the WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party , who imagine that the Civil Rights Movement was a sad failure; the Hollywood Gay Pride community elite always seeking the nth dimension of " liberation " via vacuous and vicious " DNC based " identity politics ".
I see all this not as a fan of the right wing, reactionary blowhard Donald Trump but as a long time independent democratic socialist. The American working class needs an independent American Labor Party- like the British Labor Party but less stuffy and compromised . For the 2024 presidential election Robert F. Kennedy Jr. might serve as a lesser LESSER EVIL . Among independent voters he deserves at least critical support.
A book written by a Jewish American socialist writer Irving Howe , " World of Our Fathers " , will remind careful readers of the long history of radical leftist Jews in the organized labor movement and in various socialist and communist political organizations. To be sure, ZIONISM is incompatible with socialist internationalism. Just as Israeli genocide in Gaza , Palestine is incompatible with the " Sermon on the Mount " .
A Tree Grows In Brooklyn 1945 Film James Gleason, Dorothy McGuire, Joa...
How can any sensitive, politically literate reader read this book and see it as a literary celebration of " OUR democracy " ( but " they lived happily ever after in America the Beautiful " ! ) among the poor immigrant families and their neighborhoods at the turn of the century ? It is really impossible to sentimentalize the social reality of the BOOK . The bulk of the novel can be compared with the dark stories of Zola, Theodore Dreiser , James T. Farrell , even the realism of Stephen Crane . Whatever the gifted author , Betty Smith 's political blinders , this story is raw material explaining the turn of the century SOCIALIST movement in the United States . I need to know more about author Betty Smith . Is there something " inspiring " about the Darwinian social struggle in Upton Sinclair's " The Jungle " ? Holy Jesus will make sure all is well in the end ? Leave it to Hollywood to sentimentalize a social nightmare ! ( the movie does this better than the last part of " A Tree Grows in Brooklyn ". Hopefully in the end the CLASS STRUGGLE will triumph over social Darwinism. One criticism of the novel : it does seem rather obtuse on the colossal event known as the First World War . No connection in the author's mind to capitalism and rival nation state imperialisms ? 1917 witnessed the Bolshevik Revolution in Czarist Russia : " Ten Days That Shook The World ". By then or soon after the heroine of the novel is happily married to a now prosperous ex-cop and Democrat city politician. I guess the Irish Catholic God finally smiled on our endearing Francie . Then even a cynical reader needs the proverbial " candle in the dark " .
Who wants Joe Biden re-elected?
The warmonger ZIONIST Jew -Hollywood gay crowd political and cultural elite still desperately want corrupt senile Joe Biden re-elected on Election Day 2024.They see him as their proverbial useful idiot.
Monday, June 17, 2024
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn || Review (Spoiler Free)
How can any sensitive, politically literate reader read this book and see it as anything but a celebration of " OUR democracy " among the poor immigrant neighborhoods at the turn of the century ? It is really impossible to sentimentalize the social reality of the BOOK . The novel can be compared with dark stories of Zola, Theodore Dreiser , James T. Farrell , even the realism of Stephen Crane .
Whatever the gifted author's political blinders this story is raw material explaining the turn of the century SOCIALIST movement in the United States . I need to know more about author Betty Smith .
Is there something " inspiring " about the Darwinian social struggle in Upton Sinclair's " The Jungle " ? Holy Jesus will make sure all is well in the end ?
Leave it to Hollywood to sentimentalize a social nightmare !
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