Wednesday, March 9, 2022

A science text book that takes an HISTORICAL approach to the the subject matter is hardly ever hopelessly dated : " Understanding Physics " by Isaac Asimov


[" Each volume relates the tale of the human quest through the ages for answers to the fundamental questions of how the universe works. Told in its historical context, this quest for knowledge is a story of high drama and uncommon valor, when men put their very lives on the line for the sake of scientific truth. "]
A science text book that takes an HISTORICAL approach to the the subject matter is hardly ever hopelessly dated. This might be true of all of Isaac Asimov 's 500+ published books . Yes, I did plow through all three volumes-with at least a B- comprehension . Now let me get that right again : The electron is both a particle and wave, they say ? And those imprisoned quarks inside the nucleons have fractional electric charges ? The universe blew up from QUANTUM NOTHINGNESS ? An ideal beginning for the " ghost particle " of nuclear physics - the neutrino . Some day the universe will die from pure exhaustion ? So even the PROTON must fall apart but only after trillions and trillions of years . Enough time to make even God yawn !

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