Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Tuesday, March 29, 2022
Going to Prison For Criticizing the Government | Debs v. United States
Not much has changed for FREE SPEECH rights in the United States since Eugene V. Debs made his famous Canton Speech . To be sure , the mainstream news media is no friend of FREE SPEECH . An excerpt here : [ " I have just returned from a visit over yonder, where three of our most loyal comrades are paying the penalty for their devotion to the cause of the working class. They have come to realize, as many of us have, that it is extremely dangerous to exercise the constitutional right of free speech in a country fighting to make democracy safe in the world.
I realize that, in speaking to you this afternoon, there are certain limitations placed upon the right of free speech. I must be exceedingly careful, prudent, as to what I say, and even more careful and prudent as to how I say it."] Debs back then was protesting The GREAT WAR - " the war to make the world safe for democracy ". Only ignorant fools will imagine that the belligerent position of the United States toward Russia today in the spring of 2022 has anything to do with making the world safe for democracy . A SOVEREIGN Ukraine is not what it is all about. America's imperialist wars are all about its imperialist interests not about foggy ideals of FREEDOM . And these interests are again being defended in the stale unoriginal phrases of GREAT WAR 1917 Wilsonian blather. And even more ridiculous : " GOOD vs. EVIL , " Democracy vs. Tyranny " . As if our American plutocracy were on a higher moral level than the Russian oligarchy. Our CIA , Pentagon , DEEP STATE are run by such NICE people . The Russian state bureaucrats are NASTY people- and their leader Putin is the Arch-Fiend !
Comments that are courteous, concise and relevant are always welcome, whether or not they agree with the views expressed here or not. Profanity is not necessary. Thank you for reading “Time Enough At Last!”
ReplyDeleteNot much has changed for FREE SPEECH rights in the United States since Eugene V. Debs made his famous Canton Speech . To be sure , the mainstream news media is no friend of FREE SPEECH . An excerpt here :
[ " I have just returned from a visit over yonder, where three of our most loyal comrades are paying the penalty for their devotion to the cause of the working class. They have come to realize, as many of us have, that it is extremely dangerous to exercise the constitutional right of free speech in a country fighting to make democracy safe in the world.
I realize that, in speaking to you this afternoon, there are certain limitations placed upon the right of free speech. I must be exceedingly careful, prudent, as to what I say, and even more careful and prudent as to how I say it."]
Debs back then was protesting The GREAT WAR - " the war to make the world safe for democracy ". Only ignorant fools will imagine that the belligerent position of the United States toward Russia today in the spring of 2022 has anything to do with making the world safe for democracy .
A SOVEREIGN Ukraine is not what it is all about. America's imperialist wars are all about its imperialist interests not about foggy ideals of FREEDOM . And these interests are again being defended in the stale unoriginal phrases of GREAT WAR 1917 Wilsonian blather. And even more ridiculous : " GOOD vs. EVIL , " Democracy vs. Tyranny " . As if our American plutocracy were on a higher moral level than the Russian oligarchy. Our CIA , Pentagon , DEEP STATE are run by such NICE people . The Russian state bureaucrats are NASTY people- and their leader Putin is the Arch-Fiend !