Tuesday, March 22, 2022

" Retirement " was no problem for Radical Ron

I retired at age 53. That was 10 years ago. Here are some of the things I noticed and learned.

  1. Retirement is not like vacation. In retirement you have a different relationship with time. Vacations are usually time limited you are aware of this while on vacation. The realization that you are not going back to work is something you can't prepare for until you are retired.
  2. You not only retired from something (work). You should retire to something. You have to know what you want to do with yourself and your life. No one can tell you. You would be surprised at how many people don't know who they are or what they want to do.
  3. Everyone has a bucket list of things they think they will do in retirement. In reality some of those things you will decide are unimportant. The rest you will complete in 6 months. After you've finished your bucket list you have to figure what to do next
  4. There is also the problem of loneliness because everyone else is working. You have to be comfortable with being alone if you retire before everyone else. You should actively plan things to do with other people.
  5. Within a year you will lose touch with many of the people you worked with and saw and talked to every day.
  6. Retirement doesn't cost as much as you thought. Before you retire you should finally

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