Friday, March 18, 2022

'Fragile, left-wing children': Yale students condemned after interruptin...

1 comment:

  1. @Proud Atheist There is the civil , respectful atheism of a Bertrand Russell ( " Why I Am Not a Christian " ) and of Carl Sagan ( " The Demon Haunted World " ) . There is the sensitive, compassionate atheism of Albert Camus ( one of his characters in the " The Fall " strives to become " a saint without God " ) . Then there is is the obnoxious New Atheism led by the likes of Christopher Hitchens( " God Is Not Great - How Religion Poisons Everything " )
    Oddly enough, the obnoxious New Atheists are not champions of SOCIALISM or of the common people. Hitchens turned from Trotskyism to an unprincipled support for the goals of American imperialism in Iraq , to passionate -indeed Islamophobic - support for Zionist APARTHEID Israel.
    The New Atheism gets its intellectual foundation not from secular Marxism but from the right wing philosopher and ZIONIST Jew Ayn Rand , author of " The Virtue of Selfishness ".
    Indeed secular Zionist Jew intellectuals seem to have an affinity for the New Atheism. Oddly enough they are also pillars of the daffy and vicious " identity politics " of the Democratic Party which shows itself again and again to be militantly anti-Christian.
    The WOKE Democrats - supporters of Critical Race Theory - are false friends of working class black people. Way back in 1965 Black Muslim ( Yes, Malcolm believed in God ) Malcolm X made a connection between racism and capitalism , between racism and imperialism . And in one biography Malcolm is reported as thinking that upper class Jews mostly just USED underprivileged black people for their own selfish ends.
    And most Jews with higher education ( just about all of them ) look down on those muddle headed CHRISTIAN Zionists who take the Old Testament stories of the Chosen People seriously. The vulgar and idolatrous STATE WORSHIP of Israel is on the same moral level as Money God worship.
    And sad to say but the New Atheism ( which embraces many secular Jews ) has no respect for the FREE SPEECH , FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization. So in a way William F. Buckley book " God and Man at Yale " is still relevant to todays cultural wars.


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