Friday, October 5, 2018

Socialism is not incompatible with common sense and common decency

I wonder if the political circus surrounding the Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh surpasses anything similar and well documented during the McCarthy era. Groups so free to call ALL opposition HATEFUL are showing themselves to be rather gifted haters themselves.

            Socialist politics is just nor about venomous personal hatred . It is all about replacing an unjust rational economic system , replacing this capitalist society with a socialist SANE SOCIETY.
NO LIES , no smear campaigns -even directed against certain CLASS enemies - can serve the cause. The TRUTH itself is revolutionary .

             Nothing revolutionary about brainless , hate filled lynch mobs. What is even " liberal " about an ignorant mob in action ?

                   Do any real socialists show up to protest old monuments of the Confederacy, 50 year old prayers on public school walls ? How many are even passionate about ANY Supreme Court nominee - when ALL are owned by the plutocracy. The PROCESS guarantees YOUR HONOR's loyalty.

                 I also can't imagine any real socialist standing in front of church doors to protest a gay wedding ceremony . Or making a fool of himself or herself outside a women's clinic - for or against the RIGHT TO LIFE - which simply does not exist under capitalism .

                Socialism is not incompatible with common sense and common decency-and rather traditional MANNERS .  It is incompatible with the ridiculous behavior of the PSEUDO-LEFT !

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