Friday, October 5, 2018

" Greater Israel " corrupting what is left of " Democracy in America "

Trump Inflames Tensions Over Kavanaugh's Nomination After Mocking Accuser
I am always loyal to my own independent DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST principles . But the " liberal " Democrats - corrupted by loyalty to Zionism - even violate the standards of ordinary decency.
Above all , it was the Israel lobby that wanted " Hawk Hillary ", " Corrupt Hillary " to win the presidency. Check out the " identities " of these powerful individuals practically lobbying for nuclear World War III with Russia, for action in Syria in support of " Greater Israel " ( again provoking Russia ) .

                      No Zionist can make a reasonable claim to be a SOCIALIST , especially an international socialist. The Zionists are guilty of truly Biblical idolatry - worshipped Apartheid Israel being the metaphorical " golden calf " .
                        WHO is stirring up this political lynch mob against the Catholic Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh ? Devout Catholics, pious Protestants, Orthodox Jews, the followers of Islam ?

                      No, a bunch of New Atheists and Ayn Rand Zionists are leading this nation into chaos -not PROGRESSIVE change. They promote the HATE RUSSIA, New McCarthyism. They are clearly hostile to the FREE SPEECH and FREE THINKING tradition of Western Civilization. They are the spurious " Left " associated with brainless demonstrations against old Ten Commandments monuments in public places and activist antagonism to long established religious liberty.
With their obscene death threats against " conservative " Republicans or just white working class " deplorables " they add a new dimension to RIGHT TO LIFE opposition.

                                    NEWS -  ILLIBERAL LIBERALISM IN ACTION !

[A man who was captured on camera Sunday violently kicking a female pro-life activist lost his job at a Toronto hair salon amid social media backlash, while the victim says she will pursue charges against him.
Jordan Hunt has been identified as the culprit behind the attack after a video of him spin-kicking the woman went viral. He deleted his social media accounts after the backlash ]

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