Saturday, October 27, 2018

Only socialists EXPLAIN a world going MAD, MAD , MAD

Arrest of bomb scare suspect heightens political warfare in Washington

" Sayoc appears to be a down-and-out strip club disc jockey and bouncer and avid Trump supporter. FBI operatives towed his white van, covered with pro-Trump and anti-Democratic decals, from the strip mall where he was apprehended on Friday morning. Sayoc, who filed for bankruptcy in 2012 and has a record of eight arrests in Florida, was reportedly living in the van. "

                 Sayoc -not surprisingly- seems to be a failed , frustrated small business owner or manager. " Native " - what ? Did not Trotsky write about the " ruined petty bourgeois " as a driving force in fascism ?

          It is wrong to pass moral judgment on the most " disturbed " individuals amongst us . Why does nobody SEE them until it is too late ? Why do they always " fall through the cracks " ?
But the establishment Democrats pretend this is your typical Trump supporter while THEY stand on higher moral grounds. THEY of the capitalist POLICE STATE , of the FBI , CIA , Pentagon think tanks !

                The shallowness of thousands of candidates for public office campaigning on the theme that THEY are so much nicer than nasty Republicans - fans or not fans of President Donald Trump .

            ONLY honest socialists -like here on the World Socialist Web Site - make sense EXPLAINING this lunacy of a capitalist social order daily going mad, mad , mad.

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