Thursday, October 25, 2018

Atheist Trotsky recognized the social dynamite of the Christian Gospels

Discussion on World Socialist Web Site  

David North begins US speaking tour in Michigan to mark 80 years of the Fourth International

"North exposed the pernicious role of postmodernism, which is based on a rejection of objective truth. The campus newspaper, the Michigan Daily highlighted this critique in their favorable review. "
Whole books can be written on this collapse of faith in the human intellect to know and understand - if not ABSOLUTE TRUTH - then at least OBJECTIVE REALITY .

           And yet since the collapse of the old Soviet Union how confident they sound , the bourgeois intellectual defenders of the capitalist system. These ubiquitous ruling class VOICES on radio and TV speak with almost maniac faith in the wisdom and permanence of this capitalist " way of life " - which offers nothing but oppression and exploitation to all the working people on the planet.

            Sadly true , THEIR colleges and universities mass produce professional enemies of the working class and " successful " graduates who can't even IMAGINE a social system much different from the one that brainwashed them .

              Oddly enough this decadent ruling capitalist class of the early 21st century is NOT religious , is hostile to religion . I suspect that the vast majority of the world plutocracy are fans of the militant atheist Ayn Rand . Of course , they will USE organized religion to stupefy working people - whenever possible. Witness the Christian Zionists .

                I recall even the materialist atheist Trotsky noting that the Christian Gospels were social dynamite ( " explosive "  ?  )  .

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