Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Socialists must combat creeping authoritarianism

" Without evincing the slightest political sympathy for Clinton and the Democrats, the SEP warned that the forces behind the Lewinsky affair were seeking the overturn of an elected leader to carry out a sharp shift to the right in US politics. "

I remember the Clinton impeachment drama very well . That was the correct approach by the Socialist Equality Party . The American ruling class was using the undisciplined-or reckless- sexuality of an individual for the purpose of reactionary political intrigue.

And today I would not join any lynch mob impeachment of President Trump . Deliver him to a most undemocratic shadow government of the United States , the CIA , the FBI ? Agree with the oh-so -moral James Comey that only ruling class bureaucrats in the spy agencies are morally fit to run the country ?

Socialists must combat creeping authoritarianism . This becomes more evident in the daily flattering of the brutal police and the unctuous 
"THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE " to anybody and everybody in the military ( I heard a librarian say this just yesterday ).

The ruling class education system and their mainstream news media make it difficult for ordinary people even to imagine a world very different from the world of capitalism and imperialism - imagine what was suggested to me by the very title of radical psychiatrist Erich Fromm's book , " The Sane Society " published many years ago.

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