Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Saturday, September 8, 2018
Modern computer technology can make " SHARE THE WEALTH " a reality
" The figures of wealth concentration are hard to fathom " . " liberal " Democrats talk about corporate corruption and " saving the middle class ". As if the system just needs a little bit of Elizabeth Warren's baby sitting.
But socialists are not inclined to save rotten apples which make only rotten apple sauce . Militant socialists - inspired by Marx's classic " Das Kapital " - challenge LEGITIMATE wealth , challenge its moral legitimacy .
Nothing any human mortal can do or think in the course of a day should entitle him or her to millions of dollars of wealth - " earned " ( ? ) in a single year or gained by stock market growth . All that capitalist CAPITAL can easily ( with modern computer technology ) be collectivized . So that SHARE THE WEALTH is not a dumb daydream .
What stands in the way of global socialism is the NATION STATE and the fatuous adulation of the very rich as JOB CREATORS and PHILANTHROPISTS - as BENEFACTORS of the human race.
There are probably not a few very wealthy persons who are beginning to see private wealth and private property as a disgusting burden . They do not die happy knowing that jackass relatives will inherit their fortunes.
I can understand a certain rich lady who willed her fortune to her dear dog . The kind dog might will it to THE PEOPLE for a lifetime of tasty bones.
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