Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Tuesday, September 25, 2018
" # Me-TOO " rants on radio along with a " VIAGRA ON STEROIDS " commercial
"On Sunday, Washington state Senator Patty Murray said on the “Meet the Press” interview program that the “presumption of innocence” should be applied to presume that the women are being truthful and Kavanaugh is lying. This turns on its head the democratic principle that the presumption of innocence must be given to the accused and the burden of proof placed on the accuser. "
Just before reading this I listened to Rhode Island Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, a Democrat , on a local radio station ,insinuate the same perverse legal notion: that the accuser should be given the presumption of innocence.
Here the very idea of LAW as a significant advance in human civilization is being challenged.
His years as a state prosecutor shaped the thinking skills of Sheldon Whitehouse. Like most bourgeois lawyers he has no deep respect for FACTS, TRUTH , REALITY . What matters is the convincing -if unctuous- argument, the word sophistry of the " successful " lawyer.
If you listen to enough of these lawyers, you might begin to have the cynical thought that language was invented for purpose of deceit and lying,. Capitalist advertising daily suggests this assault on truth.
On local radio -right after a # MeToo rant - you will often hear a commercial with a sultry female voice advertising a rival to Viagra for males : " It is like Viagra on steroids " , the sexy voice tells you. " Please consider your partner ! "
I don't think the present sexual McCarthyism will quite succeed in cancelling the last Sexual Revolution ". Satan won't allow it !
Decaying capitalism mass produces so many FALSE people in the service of the BIG LIE .
But then there is " VIAGRA ON STEROIDS " !
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