Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Friday, September 21, 2018
Early science fiction films like " The Day The World Ended " were prescient.
It is so very hard for really PRIVILEGED individuals - no matter how fine their social conscience - to break with capitalism and the " American Way of Life " - which includes the permanence of the two party system.
Above all the solid socialist revolutionary is impervious to bourgeois public opinion.
Socialists in many ways can be compared to the early Christians in ancient Rome at the height of its imperial glory . Only these Christians sensed what was coming , the awesome Fall. And they at least had HOPE - so absent in the world of 2018.
Considering the cracks in the infrastructure it is easy to imagine the great cities of the United States half-abandoned and nearly buried in weeds and overrun by wild flora and fauna in the next few decades.
Abandoned Detroit is a vision of THE FUTURE for us all .
Those early science fiction nightmare films like " The Day The World Ended " were prescient. Only a few radioactive, terrified survivors left to contemplate the catastrophe . But already half the population of the planet approaches a sickly, stupefied, sub-human condition of wretchedness.
Once again human life becomes short, nasty, and brutish.
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