As a VOICE of MILITARISM Neil de Grasse Tyson needs no moderating interpretation.
As a pillar of the New Atheism Tyson has behaved like a jerk and clown in public - not a scholar of science. But you can change my mind about him with up-dated information.
You can change my mind about ANYTHING with new facts. So a little bit of the " scientist " has rubbed off on me. I am no more likely to change my mind about the ABCs of Marxist economics and sociology than about Newton's Laws of Motion - OK - in fact EXCELLENT- for everyday purposes including social revolution.
Metaphysics is anybody's game- the God Haters are equal here to the fans of Thomas Aquinas - the authority in Catholic theology. Even Bertrand Russell saw the saint's merits in his " History of Western Philosophy " . For one thing Aquinas -like the orthodox Marxists - believed in objective REALITY , objective TRUTH - and at least imagined that science and faith could be reconciled.
Tyson lacks the social conscience of fellow atheist Carl Sagan . He is a very shallow human being. And how many working class kids can afford his science lectures ?

Debunking Neil deGrasse Tyson
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