Friday, September 7, 2018

Democrat Cory Booker - a complete phony

In no way are these bought and sold hacks of the Democratic Party going to lead the American working class in a " Spartacus " inspired revolt against the ONE PERCENT , the plutocracy - which controls both the Democratic and Republican Party.

Cory Booker - a complete phony .

Kavanaugh Hearings, Day 3: Booker Has His 'Spartacus Moment'; A Mulligan On Mueller

The Democratic Party now has a hard core of pro-Hillary Zionists , the always offended black bourgeoisie, and angry ME-TOO middle class feminists. The pro-Hillary Zionists dominate the party - and are leading it off a cliff.

The Democrats have completely alienated the working class of ALL races and ethnic groups - and most Christian women.

[The Zionist movement – acting through AIPAC – now appears committed to pushing the US into future military confrontations with Iran and Russia, further embroiling the US in other Middle East conflicts that serve no American interest, overturning the JCPOA, and building Israel up for military adventures. Whether Americans can "de-Zionize" Congress and government agencies to a level proportionate with their own identity is a question that could well determine the survival of the country. ]

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