Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
When true fascism comes to America it will have a " Rainbow " banner. The pseudo-Left in recent years has been acting more like Nazi Brown Shirts of 1930s in Berlin than our home grown KKKs and Neo-Nazis.
How ILLIBERAL have " liberal " Democrats become ? No respect demonstrated for the free speech tradition of the USA or the free thinking tradition of Western Civilization. No respect even for the basic premise of modern democracy - MAJORITY RULE .
When did the Democratic Party last start a campaign against the Electoral College ? Would they like to see a majority vote decide gay marriage or the fate of Roe vs. Wade ? Would they like to see the capitalist system itself voted UP or DOWN in a national referendum ?
Would the Christian majority in the United States vote to abolish " Ten Commandments " monuments in public places ? To abolish prayer in public schools ?
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