Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Wednesday, September 26, 2018
Ordinary commendable patriotism vs. sick and toxic nationalism
Does " fascist " Trump give the leaders of other countries -like Russia, China, Iran, North Korea - permission from BIG BROTHER IMPERIALIST to be equally " patriotic " ?
Ordinary patriotism - love of one's country, pride in its achievements, understanding its long history, its natural beauty, the goodness of its people- is a commendable and innocent emotion . But under decaying capitalism it is hard to separate decent patriotism from sick homicidal and genocidal impulses- the stuff of toxic nationalism.
A world with nuclear powered nation states cannot survive another Great War . The top military leaders of the United States-advising President Trump- are not less stupid than the German and French generals who planned the " Horror of Verdun " - but they have much more TNT equivalent in their war machine.
Iran gets a thuggish warning not to mess with our wonderful allies in the Middle East . Like barbaric Saudi Arabia and Zionist Apartheid Israel ?
Of course the American people have no say in the bloody business of war. That is left to the " experts " - as explained by a legion of right wing radio and TV talk show hosts and amateur military strategists for nuclear World War III . They imagine themselves safe in their million dollar fall out shelters. Their touching hope : billions of people perish in a nuclear holocaust but the Bull Market continues. After all , " WE " survived the Great Plague - with a temporary and beneficial shortage of labor.
But I suspect that H.P. Lovecraft's , Azithoth , the " Blind Idiot God ", will have the last laugh.
The " Blind Idiot God " rules
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