Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Sunday, September 30, 2018
Working Class Left shares Donald Trump's contempt for phony Hollywood liberals
Matt Damon Is A Sniffing, Shouting Brett Kavanaugh On 'SNL' Season Premiere
Believe it or not the Working Class Left shares President Donald Trump's contempt for phony, daffy, and hypocritical Hollywood liberals . We also believe in a little thing important in any so called civilized " democracy " : EVIDENCE and INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY .
Democratic liberals like political lynch mobs and guilt by allegation and smearing ?
The TREATMENT of Judge Brett Kavanaugh was disgraceful !
Democratic liberals like political lynch mobs and guilt by allegation and smearing ?
The TREATMENT of Judge Brett Kavanaugh was disgraceful !
Judge Brett Kavanaugh did not deserve this lynch mob treatment
FBI Contacts Deborah Ramirez, Kavanaugh Accuser, As Investigation Begins
On the Left myself I can see all too clearly the Democratic Party is wallowing in the filth of sexual McCarthyism AND more political New McCarthyism with the HATE RUSSIA Kafkaesque " investigation " .
" Liberal " Democrats have become clueless about the very meaning of " liberalism " - once associated with respect for free speech and intellectual liberty and a steadfast HUMANISM - which respected religious tradition in the USA.
What rot - the Democratic Party . Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh -whatever his conservatism - did not deserve this deplorable lynch mob treatment .
" Liberal " Democrats have become clueless about the very meaning of " liberalism " - once associated with respect for free speech and intellectual liberty and a steadfast HUMANISM - which respected religious tradition in the USA.
What rot - the Democratic Party . Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh -whatever his conservatism - did not deserve this deplorable lynch mob treatment .
Saturday, September 29, 2018
Newt Gingrich on Democrats new " operating pattern "
Republicans Push Kavanaugh Nomination Forward, But At What Cost?
On the Left myself I do like Newt Gingrich's recent comment :
"The real question is: Are there any Democrats who are disgusted by this process of dishonest character assassination and manipulation? Are any upset that this is becoming their party’s operating pattern? "
The New McCarthyism which includes sexual McCarthyism is the party's " operating pattern " . The FBI " investigation " of Kavanaugh could be as much a quagmire as Kafkaesque Mueller " Russian Investigation ".
No FBI bias ? Ask the oh-so -moral James Comey .
No anti-Catholic bigotry in character attacks on Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh ?
Republicans Push Kavanaugh Nomination Forward, But At What Cost?
None of the Democrats bothered - and for good reasons - to attack Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh from recognizable and traditional ON THE LEFT positions . No they all sound like disciples of old Joe McCarthy passionately devoted to political witch hunting .
The Hillary Democrats are a long , long way from FDR , JFK and New Deal inspiration.
Nothing WINNING here about ugly " sexual McCarthyism ".
EVIDENCE counts more than subjective or delusional certainty in rape or sexual assault cases.
What do we really know about this professional woman Ford ? Have her colleagues spoken in favor of her ?
Would ANY Catholic judge be objectionable to the " liberal " Democrats ? No bigotry here ?
Brett Kavanaugh, a conservative Catholic , is not an EVIL person
On the Left myself I am very disturbed by the political lynch mob hysteria directed at this Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, a conservative Catholic- not an EVIL person.
Will # Me-Too -ism hysteria - antagonistic to the very concept of LAW and due proceess, antagonistic to " innocent until proven guilty " tradition - set the ugly tone for the 2018 midterm elections ?
Sexual McCarthyism IS evil ! Ford - almost certainly a sexual assault victim - being certain that a young Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her ( he age 17, she age 15 ) does not make this TRUE in a court of law or anywhere else.
EVIDENCE makes it true for other people - who do not know Ford . Who is the next public victim of sexual McCarthyism- a " liberal " Democrat ?
Former Secret Service agent Dan Bongino called out Sen. Jeff Flake Saturday on “Fox & Frien
Thank God for sanity and humanity wherever you can find it !
Writers here at the World Socialist Web Site who speak truth both to power and to the masses deserve all the encouragement and support they can get.
There was a truly inspired essay written back in 2011 by one Drew Westen :" What happened to Obama ? " . How quickly Westen was disillusioned by Obama ( It looks like Obama-ism is presently seen as the way to go for the corrupt leadership of the Labor Party in Great Britain ) .
In this essay Drew Westen takes the reader ( no doubt equally disillusioned ) back to the early days of the Obama presidency : " The economy was spinning in reverse. Three quarters of a million people lost their jobs that month . Many had lost their homes, and with them the only nest eggs they had... Hope was as scarce as credit".
The American people, the writer said , needed an explanation, needed a " STORY " , that " made sense of what they had just been through " They needed to know WHO was " responsible for their pain and suffering. Could Obama " restore order and safety " ?
Obama, Drew Westen writes , only " saved " the few , saved American capitalism, saved the banking system.
" But there was no story-and there has been none since ".
Except here at the World Socialist Web Site. There IS the Marxist explanation for the crises of capitalism, for the hideous economic system in its long death agony. Thank God for sanity and humanity -wherever you can find it .
[ Drew Westen: “What Happened to Obama?”
I’ve always been a big fan of Dr. Drew Westen’s work — in fact, it baffles me that his fundamental message, to tell a story, and tell it with emotion, is news enough to so many on the left that he can make a nice secondary career repeating and honing it — but I think his latest essay in the New York Times, “What Happened to Obama?” may be the best work of his non-academic career.]
Hysterical females will determine the politics of the 2018 midterm election
It's Been 37 Years Since My Rape. The Shame Still Haunts Me
I guess the mass hysteria of angry females - victims of sexual assault REAL or IMAGINED- will determined the politics of the 2018 midterm election and the selection of the next Supreme Court nominee.
Democratic socialists have a two centuries old explanation for the sexual subjugation of women . You will find no salvation or remedy in the corrupt and equally vile Democratic Party . With guys like Harvey Weinstein funding it .
Democratic socialists have a two centuries old explanation for the sexual subjugation of women . You will find no salvation or remedy in the corrupt and equally vile Democratic Party . With guys like Harvey Weinstein funding it .
A slave mentality will never free the slaves !
"The ends, as the saying goes, supposedly justify the means. They should be warned: This is bad politics, bad strategy, and even worse tactics. There are political consequences to such efforts to confuse and cover-up the real issues confronting the working class. "
A politically literate socialist might recall Leon Trotsky's analysis of the " dialectical " relationship between means and ends in his still powerful essay " Their Morals and Ours ".
To be sure , Trotsky was always true to himself , a paragon of revolutionary morality- if not the absolute morality reserved for a few saints.
His main point : the just end of liberating the working class of the whole world -not just favored countries - is best served by selecting ONLY those means which serve that end . TRUTH is indeed subversive and the rejection of objective reality can only serve the corrupt ideologues of the ruling class.
A slave mentality will never free the slaves !
A politically literate socialist might recall Leon Trotsky's analysis of the " dialectical " relationship between means and ends in his still powerful essay " Their Morals and Ours ".
To be sure , Trotsky was always true to himself , a paragon of revolutionary morality- if not the absolute morality reserved for a few saints.
His main point : the just end of liberating the working class of the whole world -not just favored countries - is best served by selecting ONLY those means which serve that end . TRUTH is indeed subversive and the rejection of objective reality can only serve the corrupt ideologues of the ruling class.
A slave mentality will never free the slaves !
Thursday, September 27, 2018
Working class socialists reject anti-Catholic bigotry
WATCH LIVE: Kavanaugh, Ford Testify About Sexual Assault Allegation
The reason Kavanaugh is not being REJECTED on these grounds is that the Democratic Party -like the Republican Party - COLLUDES in the crimes against humanity of capitalism and the war crimes of U.S imperialism. Working class socialists also REJECT smear campaigns and the New McCarthyism. And obvious bigotry against Roman Catholics whatever their social class.
# Me-Too-ism is making a mockery of LAW and basic decency
It's Been 37 Years Since My Rape. The Shame Still Haunts Me
Nobody has any moral or intellectual obligation to BELIEVE any woman's story of rape , especially those going back decades ago. EVIDENCE matters.
# Me-Too ism is making a mockery of LAW and basic decency . This cry from the McCarthy era rings true for the sexual McCarthyism of 2018 in the USA : " Have you no decency, Senator ?

# Me-Too ism is making a mockery of LAW and basic decency . This cry from the McCarthy era rings true for the sexual McCarthyism of 2018 in the USA : " Have you no decency, Senator ?

Socialists can learn from M.L. King's " Letter from a Birmingham jail "
Discussion on World Socialist Web Site
Successful campaign meeting for Niles Niemuth in Wyandotte, Michigan
" A central focus of Niles' opening remarks and the subsequent discussion was the conditions facing the working class and how workers can organize to oppose exploitation and inequality "
Best wishes to Niles Niemuth campaign in Michigan. A simple appeal to the SOCIAL JUSTICE sense of the masses of working class Americans is bound to build the titanic social force that will end greedy capitalism.
Last night I read Martin Luther King's less famous " Letter from a Birmingham Jail ". I was impressed how the slain civil rights leader was reaching out to all people and organizations ( not just Southern black churches ) with a heart and soul - no matter how timid - for SOCIAL JUSTICE.
Nowhere does he show contempt for LAW or winks at self-defeating violence. He patiently explains -often in the language of ancient Christianity - that LAW must also be JUST.
The socialist movement is just as capable of making waves in a much broader community. Who with a social conscience can support the soul-less plutocracy ?
Best wishes to Niles Niemuth campaign in Michigan. A simple appeal to the SOCIAL JUSTICE sense of the masses of working class Americans is bound to build the titanic social force that will end greedy capitalism.
Last night I read Martin Luther King's less famous " Letter from a Birmingham Jail ". I was impressed how the slain civil rights leader was reaching out to all people and organizations ( not just Southern black churches ) with a heart and soul - no matter how timid - for SOCIAL JUSTICE.
Nowhere does he show contempt for LAW or winks at self-defeating violence. He patiently explains -often in the language of ancient Christianity - that LAW must also be JUST.
The socialist movement is just as capable of making waves in a much broader community. Who with a social conscience can support the soul-less plutocracy ?
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Socialist can learn from M.L. King |
Alone on the Left World Socialist Web Site shows compassion for old Bill Cosby -and concern for JUSTICE
Kavanaugh’s nomination, Cosby’s sentencing: News media pornography and the enraged middle class
"The comments on the outcome of the Cosby case in the Times from readers of its article “Bill Cosby, Once a Model of Fatherhood, Is Sentenced to Prison,” are overwhelmingly vengeful and vindictive "
I commend the World Socialist Web- almost alone among the so called " Left "- for showing some basic HUMAN decency in judging these male victims of # Me-Too hysteria.
Because it does not sing in tune with a lynch mob the Socialist Equality Party ( I am not very familiar with on-going disputes " on the Left " ) has been smeared recently for being " insensitive " on matters of race and gender. It seems to me that this is completely false. Orthodox Marxism - even socialist common sense-puts racism and sexism into a CLASS perspective.
When I expressed sympathy for the famous and gifted black entertainer Bill Cosby I was called " a woman hater " at WBUR on-line ( I am still wearing my deceased woman companion's ring ) .
Principled socialists are really scheming supporters of "Donald Trump Hitler " ? What insane nonsense .
I commend the World Socialist Web- almost alone among the so called " Left "- for showing some basic HUMAN decency in judging these male victims of # Me-Too hysteria.
Because it does not sing in tune with a lynch mob the Socialist Equality Party ( I am not very familiar with on-going disputes " on the Left " ) has been smeared recently for being " insensitive " on matters of race and gender. It seems to me that this is completely false. Orthodox Marxism - even socialist common sense-puts racism and sexism into a CLASS perspective.
When I expressed sympathy for the famous and gifted black entertainer Bill Cosby I was called " a woman hater " at WBUR on-line ( I am still wearing my deceased woman companion's ring ) .
Principled socialists are really scheming supporters of "Donald Trump Hitler " ? What insane nonsense .
Wednesday, September 26, 2018
Bill Cosby Sentenced To At Least 3 Years In State Prison
I do not applaud old Bill Cosby being sent to jail . # Me-Too hysteria has put him there - not any balanced judgment of his innate evil as a sexual predator.
There was not a spark of Christian compassion in harshly judging this famous black entertainer. Just calculating vengeance.
There was not a spark of Christian compassion in harshly judging this famous black entertainer. Just calculating vengeance.
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Black male victim of " # Me-Too -ism " |
Ordinary commendable patriotism vs. sick and toxic nationalism
Trump delivers fascistic tirade at the United Nations
Does " fascist " Trump give the leaders of other countries -like Russia, China, Iran, North Korea - permission from BIG BROTHER IMPERIALIST to be equally " patriotic " ?
Ordinary patriotism - love of one's country, pride in its achievements, understanding its long history, its natural beauty, the goodness of its people- is a commendable and innocent emotion . But under decaying capitalism it is hard to separate decent patriotism from sick homicidal and genocidal impulses- the stuff of toxic nationalism.
A world with nuclear powered nation states cannot survive another Great War . The top military leaders of the United States-advising President Trump- are not less stupid than the German and French generals who planned the " Horror of Verdun " - but they have much more TNT equivalent in their war machine.
Iran gets a thuggish warning not to mess with our wonderful allies in the Middle East . Like barbaric Saudi Arabia and Zionist Apartheid Israel ?
Of course the American people have no say in the bloody business of war. That is left to the " experts " - as explained by a legion of right wing radio and TV talk show hosts and amateur military strategists for nuclear World War III . They imagine themselves safe in their million dollar fall out shelters. Their touching hope : billions of people perish in a nuclear holocaust but the Bull Market continues. After all , " WE " survived the Great Plague - with a temporary and beneficial shortage of labor.
But I suspect that H.P. Lovecraft's , Azithoth , the " Blind Idiot God ", will have the last laugh.
Ordinary patriotism - love of one's country, pride in its achievements, understanding its long history, its natural beauty, the goodness of its people- is a commendable and innocent emotion . But under decaying capitalism it is hard to separate decent patriotism from sick homicidal and genocidal impulses- the stuff of toxic nationalism.
A world with nuclear powered nation states cannot survive another Great War . The top military leaders of the United States-advising President Trump- are not less stupid than the German and French generals who planned the " Horror of Verdun " - but they have much more TNT equivalent in their war machine.
Iran gets a thuggish warning not to mess with our wonderful allies in the Middle East . Like barbaric Saudi Arabia and Zionist Apartheid Israel ?
Of course the American people have no say in the bloody business of war. That is left to the " experts " - as explained by a legion of right wing radio and TV talk show hosts and amateur military strategists for nuclear World War III . They imagine themselves safe in their million dollar fall out shelters. Their touching hope : billions of people perish in a nuclear holocaust but the Bull Market continues. After all , " WE " survived the Great Plague - with a temporary and beneficial shortage of labor.
But I suspect that H.P. Lovecraft's , Azithoth , the " Blind Idiot God ", will have the last laugh.
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The " Blind Idiot God " rules |
Tuesday, September 25, 2018
Masses of young people in USA beginning to think : " CAPITALISM STINKS ! "
The New York Times promotes the Democratic Socialists of America
Long before the collapse of the Stalinist Soviet Union I had no problem describing myself as a " democratic socialist " ( unaffiliated ) .
And I thought that in contrast to capitalism ONLY socialism can be democratic. Apart from brainwashing there was no earthly reason for any working class person to love and defend capitalism.
For months now I have been hearing references to " socialism " on right wing talk radio . A specter is haunting Red Eye Radio ! I guess for years these ruling class voices thought that the very idea of SOCIALISM was dead and buried - died with the collapse of the Soviet Union.
So this is really a good thing. They cannot even TALK about socialism in the mainstream news media without giving the masses ideas.
Whatever their ignorance of the tactics of the pseudo-Left, masses of young people thinking that CAPITALISM STINKS will hardly please the New York Times editorial office.
The TRUTH is always subversive !
" Have you no decency, Senator ? " Sexual McCarthyism today
Another thought : finally after two years of the mind numbing, Kafkaesque -going nowhere " Russian Investigation " the Establishment politicians desperately needed a much more sexier distraction.
LOW LIFE vulgarity is now the norm in Washington politics.
A haunting cry from the McCarthy era : " Have you no decency, Senator ? "
To the rescue , the high moral standards of the FBI and James Comey !
" # Me-TOO " rants on radio along with a " VIAGRA ON STEROIDS " commercial
Discussion on World Socialist Web Site 1 comments
Democrats push second round of sexual assault allegations against Kavanaugh
"On Sunday, Washington state Senator Patty Murray said on the “Meet the Press” interview program that the “presumption of innocence” should be applied to presume that the women are being truthful and Kavanaugh is lying. This turns on its head the democratic principle that the presumption of innocence must be given to the accused and the burden of proof placed on the accuser. "
Just before reading this I listened to Rhode Island Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, a Democrat , on a local radio station ,insinuate the same perverse legal notion: that the accuser should be given the presumption of innocence.
Here the very idea of LAW as a significant advance in human civilization is being challenged.
His years as a state prosecutor shaped the thinking skills of Sheldon Whitehouse. Like most bourgeois lawyers he has no deep respect for FACTS, TRUTH , REALITY . What matters is the convincing -if unctuous- argument, the word sophistry of the " successful " lawyer.
If you listen to enough of these lawyers, you might begin to have the cynical thought that language was invented for purpose of deceit and lying,. Capitalist advertising daily suggests this assault on truth.
On local radio -right after a # MeToo rant - you will often hear a commercial with a sultry female voice advertising a rival to Viagra for males : " It is like Viagra on steroids " , the sexy voice tells you. " Please consider your partner ! "
I don't think the present sexual McCarthyism will quite succeed in cancelling the last Sexual Revolution ". Satan won't allow it !
Decaying capitalism mass produces so many FALSE people in the service of the BIG LIE .
Just before reading this I listened to Rhode Island Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, a Democrat , on a local radio station ,insinuate the same perverse legal notion: that the accuser should be given the presumption of innocence.
Here the very idea of LAW as a significant advance in human civilization is being challenged.
His years as a state prosecutor shaped the thinking skills of Sheldon Whitehouse. Like most bourgeois lawyers he has no deep respect for FACTS, TRUTH , REALITY . What matters is the convincing -if unctuous- argument, the word sophistry of the " successful " lawyer.
If you listen to enough of these lawyers, you might begin to have the cynical thought that language was invented for purpose of deceit and lying,. Capitalist advertising daily suggests this assault on truth.
On local radio -right after a # MeToo rant - you will often hear a commercial with a sultry female voice advertising a rival to Viagra for males : " It is like Viagra on steroids " , the sexy voice tells you. " Please consider your partner ! "
I don't think the present sexual McCarthyism will quite succeed in cancelling the last Sexual Revolution ". Satan won't allow it !
Decaying capitalism mass produces so many FALSE people in the service of the BIG LIE .
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But then there is " VIAGRA ON STEROIDS " ! |
Monday, September 24, 2018
Homeless friend " D " living in car connected to Brown University 's Alpert family
Socialist Equality Party congressional candidate Niles Niemuth speaks to students and youth at Wayne State University
[ “At the same time recent reports indicate that there has been an explosion in “vehicular homelessness” in the US, workers at places like Amazon are living in their cars because they cannot afford housing costs on their current wages,” he added. ]
After losing a small fortune ( he admits to self-indulgent foolishness ) my long time friend D had a hell of an experience living in his broken down 20 year old Lincoln Town Car .
D is ironically connected to the prominent Alpert family for whom the Brown University medical school is named .
I have been able to help D only modestly but at least now he is not homeless. D is very much sympathetic to Socialism. The two of us gathered signatures for the Socialist Workers Party ( USA ) back in 1976 .
D remembers his medical doctor grandfather treating poor people for free. He recalls witnessing a blind lady being denied a doctor's appointment because she was a few minutes late.
After being treated for some health problem in Chicago ( D gets around ) D was rudely escorted out of the hospital. They told homeless D that it was " not a hotel ".
After losing a small fortune ( he admits to self-indulgent foolishness ) my long time friend D had a hell of an experience living in his broken down 20 year old Lincoln Town Car .
D is ironically connected to the prominent Alpert family for whom the Brown University medical school is named .
I have been able to help D only modestly but at least now he is not homeless. D is very much sympathetic to Socialism. The two of us gathered signatures for the Socialist Workers Party ( USA ) back in 1976 .
D remembers his medical doctor grandfather treating poor people for free. He recalls witnessing a blind lady being denied a doctor's appointment because she was a few minutes late.
After being treated for some health problem in Chicago ( D gets around ) D was rudely escorted out of the hospital. They told homeless D that it was " not a hotel ".
Yes, a " Trump Derangement Syndrome " among " progressive " Democrats
The more fanatical anti-Trump crowd will not admit that this is a sexual McCarthyism attack on a Catholic nominee for the Supreme Court , Brett Kavanaugh . But sexual McCarthyism will backfire on the shameless " liberal " Democrats . A cry from the McCarthy era : " Have you no decency , Senator ? "
Here is an excerpt from the just published ( October 1 ) " The Militant " , a socialist weekly published by the Socialist Workers Party ( USA ) :
[ As the November midterm elections loom, liberals in the Democratic Party and media, and the middle-class left, are grabbing anything to try and advance their frenetic “resistance” against the Donald Trump presidency. They are driven by fear of the workers who voted for Trump, who they claim are racist and reactionary and have to be controlled.
Their frenzy is deepening the splintering in the Democratic Party, as the Democratic Socialists battle the “progressives” to represent the “resistance” this November.
Trump and some of his supporters have responded by saying the liberals have the “Trump Derangement Syndrome.” This description has ruffled the feathers of prominent New York Times columnists. ]
Here is an excerpt from the just published ( October 1 ) " The Militant " , a socialist weekly published by the Socialist Workers Party ( USA ) :
[ As the November midterm elections loom, liberals in the Democratic Party and media, and the middle-class left, are grabbing anything to try and advance their frenetic “resistance” against the Donald Trump presidency. They are driven by fear of the workers who voted for Trump, who they claim are racist and reactionary and have to be controlled.
Their frenzy is deepening the splintering in the Democratic Party, as the Democratic Socialists battle the “progressives” to represent the “resistance” this November.
Trump and some of his supporters have responded by saying the liberals have the “Trump Derangement Syndrome.” This description has ruffled the feathers of prominent New York Times columnists. ]
Evicted from Paradise long ago, we humans still linger " East of Eden "
Discussion on World Socialist Web Site
The CIA Democrats and the US midterm elections
"According to another recent poll, nearly two-thirds of voters want an alternative to the two existing parties, whose candidates are reviled as corrupt representatives of the rich who lie shamelessly and have nothing but contempt for ordinary working people. Other polls show a rising interest in and support for socialism, particularly among young people. "
It is sickening to hear " liberal " Democrats fear for " OUR democracy " under Donald Trump . What we had long before Trump is a growing POLICE STATE with every brutal cop emboldened ( with license to kill ) to afflict the death penalty for every pathetic crime against capitalist PRIVATE PROPERTY .
There is no working class WHITE PRIVILEGE when it is a case of petty thief vs.THE LAW .
It is hard to sell any ISM to ordinary working class people who know the truth about their own lives. But the BIG IDEA of socialism is already self-evident to them : the rich own too much of the world's wealth as a collective product. And every major religion on the planet ( consider AMOS of the Old Testament ) condemns greed and the neglect of the poor, condemns so many unjust wars .
Socialists just need to build a spiritual bridge to the masses. Not come across as stuffy , condescending " scholars " . The future BIG CRASH is more relevant to the masses than some cosmic BIG BANG of eons ago .
We humans at least know that we were evicted from some heavenly " Garden of Eden " long ago. We still linger " East of Eden ".
It is sickening to hear " liberal " Democrats fear for " OUR democracy " under Donald Trump . What we had long before Trump is a growing POLICE STATE with every brutal cop emboldened ( with license to kill ) to afflict the death penalty for every pathetic crime against capitalist PRIVATE PROPERTY .
There is no working class WHITE PRIVILEGE when it is a case of petty thief vs.THE LAW .
It is hard to sell any ISM to ordinary working class people who know the truth about their own lives. But the BIG IDEA of socialism is already self-evident to them : the rich own too much of the world's wealth as a collective product. And every major religion on the planet ( consider AMOS of the Old Testament ) condemns greed and the neglect of the poor, condemns so many unjust wars .
Socialists just need to build a spiritual bridge to the masses. Not come across as stuffy , condescending " scholars " . The future BIG CRASH is more relevant to the masses than some cosmic BIG BANG of eons ago .
We humans at least know that we were evicted from some heavenly " Garden of Eden " long ago. We still linger " East of Eden ".
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Prejudice is often just a generalization from experience ?
" In New York, a spokesman for the World Jewish Congress called on the German government to intervene against the rise of anti-Semitic attacks. "
Again, would it not help the cause of anti-Semitism if the World Jewish Congress denounced Apartheid Israel ?
Is it any surprise to students of OPPRESSION that hatred for Zionist Israel among the poor-often ignorant - Palestinians takes on a seemingly anti-Semitic tone ? In real life " prejudice " can often be just a misguided generalization from experience . Is not SCIENCE itself based on generalization from experience ( induction ? ) along with deduction ?
Historical materialism- with some modest success- at least tries to UNDERSTAND these mass emotions like anti-Semitism . You can see where Leon Trotsky tried to UNDERSTAND his most bitter enemies, Stalin and Hitler- avoiding petty bourgeois - often hypocritical - moral effluvia.
Again, would it not help the cause of anti-Semitism if the World Jewish Congress denounced Apartheid Israel ?
Is it any surprise to students of OPPRESSION that hatred for Zionist Israel among the poor-often ignorant - Palestinians takes on a seemingly anti-Semitic tone ? In real life " prejudice " can often be just a misguided generalization from experience . Is not SCIENCE itself based on generalization from experience ( induction ? ) along with deduction ?
Historical materialism- with some modest success- at least tries to UNDERSTAND these mass emotions like anti-Semitism . You can see where Leon Trotsky tried to UNDERSTAND his most bitter enemies, Stalin and Hitler- avoiding petty bourgeois - often hypocritical - moral effluvia.
[ Does this help ?
WJC urges UNHRC to recognize that anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism ...
CachedJul 12, 2018 - WJC urges UNHRC to recognize that anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism ... GENEVA - World Jewish Congress Jewish Diplomat Caroline Berdugo ...]
WJC urges UNHRC to recognize that anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism ...
CachedJul 12, 2018 - WJC urges UNHRC to recognize that anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism ... GENEVA - World Jewish Congress Jewish Diplomat Caroline Berdugo ...]
Sunday, September 23, 2018
Neo-Nazis and Zionists UNITE under the banner of WHITE SUPREMACY ?
Discussion on World Socialist Web Site
Sharp rise in far-right attacks in Germany
" When the interior minister made these comments it was already known that a dozen neo-Nazis had attacked the Jewish Schalom restaurant in Chemnitz with stones, glass bottles, and steel pipes, and insulted the owner with anti-Semitic slurs "
Studying photos of right wing crowds in Germany I can see that their wrath is mostly directed at the New Migrants , mostly of the Muslim faith .
Relatively affluent Jews in Germany , Europe , or the United States - with strong ties to major political parties- are not in much danger of persecution in these countries.
Would it not make sense that the more intelligent Far Right in Germany wants an alliance with Zionist, Apartheid Israel ?
How can ordinary Jews appeal to working class socialists while supporting Apartheid Israel ?
In the early 1920s there were still many communist Jews or socialist Jews in Germany . Hitler settled scores with them first.
Studying photos of right wing crowds in Germany I can see that their wrath is mostly directed at the New Migrants , mostly of the Muslim faith .
Relatively affluent Jews in Germany , Europe , or the United States - with strong ties to major political parties- are not in much danger of persecution in these countries.
Would it not make sense that the more intelligent Far Right in Germany wants an alliance with Zionist, Apartheid Israel ?
How can ordinary Jews appeal to working class socialists while supporting Apartheid Israel ?
In the early 1920s there were still many communist Jews or socialist Jews in Germany . Hitler settled scores with them first.
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A stronger sentiment than anti-Semitism in Germany today |
Judge Brett Kavanaugh ordeal recalls McCarthy era cry : " Have you no shame , Senator ? "
I Stand With Christine Blasey Ford. Do You?
On the working class Left myself I do agree with you that the Democratic Party is resorting to the most despicable sexual McCarthyism tactics to discredit a Catholic nominee to the Supreme Court with no record of sexual depravity.
Of course , as a democratic socialist I respectfully reject most conservative positions ( not all ) . Before Kavanaugh Donald Trump himself was smeared as a " racist " , " sexist " , homophobe " - even " anti-Semite " ( Trump , popular in Israel ! ). No evidence at all - just mainstream news media's yellow journalism.
Democratic socialists are in principle antagonistic to ALL plutocrats - but this is not demonizing them or over-vilifying them. Popular DEMOCRACY demands much greater EQUALITY. The moral force of this message is more powerful than any mob violence - and it upholds CIVILIZATION , preferring always a just ORDER to disruptive chaos.
These attacks on Brett Kavanaugh - DNC inspired - are as shameless as any McCarthy era scandals : Remember these words : " HAVE YOU NO SHAME, SENATOR ? "
Of course , as a democratic socialist I respectfully reject most conservative positions ( not all ) . Before Kavanaugh Donald Trump himself was smeared as a " racist " , " sexist " , homophobe " - even " anti-Semite " ( Trump , popular in Israel ! ). No evidence at all - just mainstream news media's yellow journalism.
Democratic socialists are in principle antagonistic to ALL plutocrats - but this is not demonizing them or over-vilifying them. Popular DEMOCRACY demands much greater EQUALITY. The moral force of this message is more powerful than any mob violence - and it upholds CIVILIZATION , preferring always a just ORDER to disruptive chaos.
These attacks on Brett Kavanaugh - DNC inspired - are as shameless as any McCarthy era scandals : Remember these words : " HAVE YOU NO SHAME, SENATOR ? "
Saturday, September 22, 2018
The intellectual servants of capitalism know what is taboo
Discussion on World Socialist Web Site 1 comments
Adam Tooze’s Crashed: The limitations of a Left-liberal historian
"It is significant that in a book of more than 600 pages, the name of Karl Marx, who had something to say about the contradictions of the capitalist system and their recurring eruption in crises and breakdown, and the way in which “the executive of the modern state is but a committee for managing the common affairs of the bourgeoisie,” does not rate a single mention. "
The intellectual servants of the American ruling class very early in their soul-less careers learn what is TABOO . And Karl Marx and Das Kapital are anathema in bourgeois circles.
Find any talk radio host not venomous on the topic of Marxism .
Find any talk show host who does quickly announce his affection and regard for THE POLICE . Who never hesitates a " thank you for your service " to ANY member of the U.S war machine
The intellectual servants of the American ruling class very early in their soul-less careers learn what is TABOO . And Karl Marx and Das Kapital are anathema in bourgeois circles.
Find any talk radio host not venomous on the topic of Marxism .
Find any talk show host who does quickly announce his affection and regard for THE POLICE . Who never hesitates a " thank you for your service " to ANY member of the U.S war machine
No white working class people welcome in the New Democratic Party ?
Trump Attacks Kavanaugh Accuser By Name Amid Negotiations For Hearing
What racially poisoned rubbish and bigotry : " a bunch of older white men ". Only the black bourgeoisie, battle ax feminists , and zealous " Friends of Israel " welcome in the New Democratic Party ? No white working class Christians welcome ?
[ " Good for her, not letting a bunch of older white men dictate how a hearing on sexual assault is going to be handled by the Judicial committee. Let's not forget that 35 years ago Grassley was aggressively trying to undo Woe vs Wade. That was his agenda then, it's the same now " ]
Has Neo-Nazism in Germany made an alliance with Zionist Apartheid Israel ?
The anti-Semitism evident in modern Germany cannot just be a revival of the old Nazism . Has neo-Nazism in Germany made an alliance with Zionist Apartheid Israel ? Why would the perceived " fascist " Donald Trump be so popular in Israel ? Is it really any surprise when Israel itself comes to resemble the once Apartheid South Africa ?
Are Zionists themselves flirting with " white supremacy " ? Think about it .
Are Zionists themselves flirting with " white supremacy " ? Think about it .
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Anti-Islam HATE can convert to PRO-ZIONIST ISRAEL |
Fear of bourgeois public opinion evident even at the World Socialist Web Site
The ouster of New York Review of Books editor Ian Buruma: The #MeToo movement assaults free speech
"The New York Review of Books I published a theme issue about #MeToo-offenders who had not been convicted in a court of law but by social media. "
This fear of bourgeois public opinion as it presents itself in the # MeToo movement and the persistent connection in the mainstream news media of anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism is evident even here on this mostly honest ( except perhaps for some sins of omission ) World Socialist Web Site.
Remember that REVOLUTION IS AUDACIOUS . And TRUTH always stings.
This fear of bourgeois public opinion as it presents itself in the # MeToo movement and the persistent connection in the mainstream news media of anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism is evident even here on this mostly honest ( except perhaps for some sins of omission ) World Socialist Web Site.
Remember that REVOLUTION IS AUDACIOUS . And TRUTH always stings.
Are the sanctimonious New Democrats concerned about homosexual rape in prison ?
The Kavanaugh hearing: Sexual allegations fuel the Democratic Party’s right-wing politics
A mysterious woman - from the upper middle class - comes out of nowhere to accuse a man of a sexual attack when he was only 17 and she only 15 more than 30 years ago ? And this is a front page story ?
Now she is acting like a true PRIMA DONNA on a national stage. Think about all the young males and females in the American Gulag daily the victims of homosexual rape . Is that too politically incorrect to report, to make a " liberal " campaign issue ?
[I had no choice but to submit to being Inmate B's prison wife. Out of fear for my life, I submitted to sucking his dick, being fucked in my ass, and performing other duties as a woman, such as making his bed. In all reality, I was his slave, as the Officials of the Arkansas Department of Corrections under the ‘color of law' did absolutely nothing.
— M.P, Arkansas, pro se federal civil rights complaint filed 8/2/96
Most of the prisoners who rape are spending from 5 to life. And are part of a gang. They pick a loner smaller weaker individual. And make that person into a homosexual then sell him to other inmates or gangs. Anywhere from a pack of cigarettes to 2 cartons . . . . No one cares about you or anyone else. If they show kindness or are trying to be helpful, it is only because they want something. And if there offering you protection you can guarantee that there going to seek sexual favors. . . . When an inmate comes in for the first time and doesnt know anyone. The clicks and gangs. Watch him like Wolves readying there attacks. They see if he spends time alone, who he eats with. Its like the Wild Kingdom. Then they start playing with him, checking the new guy out. (They call him fresh meat.)
— J.G., Minnesota, 8/8/96 ]
How soon will the sanctimonious New Democrats produce their own version of the mad Catholic monk Savonarola ?
But I should not be too hard on the burned at the stake Savonarola . I read : " He denounced clerical corruption , despotic rule, and the EXPLOITATION OF THE POOR
Now she is acting like a true PRIMA DONNA on a national stage. Think about all the young males and females in the American Gulag daily the victims of homosexual rape . Is that too politically incorrect to report, to make a " liberal " campaign issue ?
— M.P, Arkansas, pro se federal civil rights complaint filed 8/2/96
Most of the prisoners who rape are spending from 5 to life. And are part of a gang. They pick a loner smaller weaker individual. And make that person into a homosexual then sell him to other inmates or gangs. Anywhere from a pack of cigarettes to 2 cartons . . . . No one cares about you or anyone else. If they show kindness or are trying to be helpful, it is only because they want something. And if there offering you protection you can guarantee that there going to seek sexual favors. . . . When an inmate comes in for the first time and doesnt know anyone. The clicks and gangs. Watch him like Wolves readying there attacks. They see if he spends time alone, who he eats with. Its like the Wild Kingdom. Then they start playing with him, checking the new guy out. (They call him fresh meat.)
— J.G., Minnesota, 8/8/96 ]
How soon will the sanctimonious New Democrats produce their own version of the mad Catholic monk Savonarola ?
But I should not be too hard on the burned at the stake Savonarola . I read : " He denounced clerical corruption , despotic rule, and the EXPLOITATION OF THE POOR

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