Tuesday, March 8, 2022

How many young Americans of military age are eager to die for yet one more COLOSSAL LIE ? A


@jim loontiens As an American - who opposed many of American imperialism's dirty wars - I deplore this HATE RUSSIA war fever simmering over the Ukraine Russia conflict . As a life long democratic socialist - in the tradition of Eugene V. Debs - I have instinctive scorn for all the CANT words , that silly Wilsonian blather, that today's equivalent of the " Yellow Press " uses to bamboozle the common people to support some ruling class planned idiotic war. Have you had a whiff of " OUR democracy " lately ? WE THE PEOPLE have wallowed in FREEDOM for the past 20 years , during nearly three years of the COVID-19 panic ? The mainstream news media in " OUR democracy " is a bastion of support for the FREE SPEECH , FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization ?
Any honest historian knows that American foreign policy from the very beginning of the nation has nothing to do with reverence for SOVEREIGN nations on all continents, with " TRUTH , JUSTICE , and the AMERICAN WAY ".
How many young Americans of military age are eager to die for yet one more COLOSSAL LIE ? And what kind of " democracy " will ally itself with barbaric Saudi Arabia and arrogant Zionist APARTHEID Israel ? Don't end trade with them , don't freeze their bank accounts ?

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