Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Tuesday, July 2, 2019
Welcome migrants to the promised land of global capitalism ?
The hacks of the Democratic Party are simply exploiting normal human CHRISTIAN " love thy neighbor " emotions with lies and half-truths.
What nation- state on earth can simply WELCOME thousands of desperately poor and ill migrants to an imaginary PROMISED LAND of global capitalism ?
Does American capitalist society make the slightest effort to deal with the homeless nightmare in a huge area of Los Angeles ?
In Rhode Island the public schools are a nightmare of decay and incompetence . But our Congressman Democrat David Cicilline is obsessing on a few child death tragedies on the chaotic border when he is not cheer leading for the HATE RUSSIA New McCarthyism.
The government of Mexico is shockingly corrupt in encouraging these zombie eyed caravans of daydreamers seeking an imagined PARADISE in the USA.
This human tragedy at the Mexican border is not the stuff of a Normal Rockwell painting.
In the 14th century the Great Plague nearly reduced in half the population of Europe.
There is a difference between importing vigorous LABOR POWER from all countries in the 19th and early twentieth centuries and importing crime and misery and disease and cultural idiocy in 2019. In no way can CAPITALISM employ them all today. And the so called " welfare state " was sabotaged by LIBERAL Democrats in the Clinton era.
ONLY a revived UNITED NATIONS can deal with the unprecedented migrant crisis also destabilizing Europe.
Why are these countries from which migrants flee so horribly poor and under-developed ? Blame US imperialism and global capitalism.
If things get any more chaotic on the Mexican border and in America's inner cities, a LAW and ORDER party will triumph in the 2020 presidential election in the USA.
A coming Dark Age in the USA ?
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