Friday, July 5, 2019

Hubris on the Marxist Left

As an INDEPENDENT democratic socialist I appreciate the criticism of the Russian Revolution based on a long tradition of classic liberalism which cherished the FREE SPEECH, FREE THOUGHT roots of Western Civilization.

  " Bolshevik " mockery of this considering the hellish totalitarian mockeries of " socialism " in the 20th century borders on fanatical know-nothing-ism . I am presently reading Chris Hedges on the long decay of traditional liberalism.

              For more than 100 years since the triumph of the Russian Revolution various Trotskyist , Leninist , Maoist , Castro-ist parties have been miserable failures incapable of " connecting " with the working class masses. This is not because Marxism was " wrong ". What was wrong , I think , was fatuous" Vanguard Party-ism ". In itself it contained the seeds of totalitarianism .

        So in this dialogue with one another in 2019 any lingering HUBRIS can be fatal to any possible anti-capitalist revolution. Sane humility will mock an image of YOUR socialist party as the VANGUARD party of the working class blessed by the god ( ? ) of HISTORY .

           To listen to even this Socialist Equality Party sect, they only represent TRUE Marxism, TRUE Trotskyism , TRUE Socialism . It seems to this democratic socialist that ONLY the masses can confirm that the SEP people- or any other Marxist party- are NOT a self-appointed VANGUARD party of the working class but the real thing.

                  And as a democratic socialist I think " Bernie or Bust " is the most foolish nonsense.
SEP leader David North writes honestly enough ( I think ) about the history of the Russian Revolution and the Stalinist reaction . But assuming subjective honesty , North does not see his own organization as a very limited sect stultifying its TRUE BELIEVER members,

           To listen to even this Socialist Equality Party sect, they only represent TRUE Marxism, TRUE Trotskyism , TRUE Socialism . It seems to this democratic socialist that ONLY the masses can confirm that the SEP people- or any other Marxist party- are NOT a self-appointed VANGUARD party of the working class but the real thing.

                  And as a democratic socialist I think " Bernie or Bust " is the most foolish nonsense.
SEP leader David North writes honestly enough ( I think ) about the history of the Russian Revolution and the Stalinist reaction . But assuming subjective honesty , North does not see his own organization as a very limited sect stultifying its TRUE BELIEVER members.

              And yes , FORGET ABOUT THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY as anything but the savior of capitalism and the pillar of the imperialism , of the Pentagon War Crimes Machine.

             So today SOCIALISM is in the air but socialist parties are an ideological mess out of touch with common people ( most of whom have NOT banished God from their lives ) .

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