Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Has ZIONIST APARTHEID Israel corupted the social conscience of Jews ?

I will fit this in right now - why not an objective sociological study of secular Zionist control of the mainstream news media and secular Zionist influence in the so called shadow government of the United States ?

              Is it not questionable that secular Zionist Jews ( like Ayn Rand followers ) do much of the CENSORING in the mass audience news media ?

           Check out the editors even of college and university student newspapers .

       Find ONE talk- radio host - Democrat or Republican - who is not a cheer leader for Apartheid Israel .

    And speaking about RACISM, the United Nations condemned Zionism as a form of racism years ago.

           How many honest journalists have lost their jobs for not slobbering over the Greater Israel agenda ?

              How many academics have been disgraced as " racists " as judged by a " friends of Israel " jury ?

          Zionist-in- chief of the Democratic Party, Senator Chuck Schumer, calls himself " Israel's guardian angel " . Why should Schumer not register as an agent of a foreign power ?

       Should a cabal of belligerent " friends of Israel " be allowed to get us into another stupid and endless Middle East War? Or get us into nuclear World War III with Russia, Iran, China , North Korea ?

               I don't let the Republican Party of the hook . In the two years before the 2016 presidential election - with the exception of Trump - ALL the Republican presidential candidates were declaring their undying devotion to the crackpot militant atheist Ayn Rand, her right-wing economics , and her " Virtue of Selfishness " .

     Question: Has ZIONIST APARTHEID Israel corrupted the social conscience of the Jews as a people ?

No less a humanitarian than Albert Einstein asked this question of the German people at the end of World War II .

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