Friday, July 5, 2019

The shillls of SCIENCE are bought and sold by Corporate America

Well you do speak for the New Atheists and the secular Zionist Democrats who control  the Democratic Party and the mainstream news media and much of Ivy League Academia.
Not for nothing Stalinist Russia was " officially atheist ".

              These shallow atheist humbugs are responsible for " The End of Science " ( read the book ) - another " god that failed ".

             Today the corrupt VOICE of SCIENCE has about as much credibility as an old late night Kevin Trudeau infomercial . Let it talk about global warming or flu vaccines - Science has lost prestige among the masses. I am speaking of SCIENCE here as a HUMAN institution not an abstract infallible method .

          Like so many Democratic politicians the shills of Science ( like Neil De Grasse Tyson) are bought and sold by Corporate America and its military industrial complex.

[And, btw: What's wrong with being "contemptuous of Christianity"??? The bible is a book of lies, the resurrection story was stolen from the Ancient North Africans (Egypt). The Pope started the Atlantic Slave Trade. Catholicism is a fascist church-state. Christianity and Catholicism are cults, not religions. They brain-wash people into indoctrination of lies and propaganda designed to teach them the opposite of literal truth. Cults are evil. ]

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