Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Not liking certain people is now an Orwellian " Thought Crime " ?
Nobody noticed TRUMP HATRED until he won a shocking victory in the 2016 presidential election. By the way, does " OUR democracy " now recognize Orwellian " Thought Crime " ? Is it a human right not to like ANYBODY or any group for stupid or for rational reasons ?
" Obstruction of justice " should have as its basis a real concrete NAMED crime ? Even a liberal Harvard law professor should understand that. Personal hatred for President Donald Trump - a LEGITIMATE president - has warped common sense and common decency . Shame on the New McCarthyism Democrats .
Not liking certain people is NOT a crime unless there is a plan or intention to harm them or violate their constitutional rights.
Crude racial slurs do not qualify even " white trash " for KKK membership or Neo-Nazi recruiting .
The real white supremacists brag about their bigotry . They do not deny it . The long dead leader of the American Nazi Party George Lincoln Rockwell wrote a book titled " White Power " . Once he was INVITED to speak to Brown University audience . But those days of LIBERAL liberalism are long gone at this Ivy League bastion of DNC based " identity politics ".
The Left has become such an enemy of the FREE SPEECH and FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization.
Rockwell once invited to speak at Brown University
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