Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Tuesday, July 9, 2019
Tucker Carlson makes sense on the Democratic Party as a " religious cult "
I AM an INDEPENDENT Democratic Socialist . I respect any journalist- on the Right or on the Left- not adverse to truth and facts . In whose blighted eyesight could Tucker Carlson be a white supremacist ? Or even Donald Trump who is wildly popular in Israel ?
When everyday the Democratic Party insiders UNMASK deplorable racists in their midst , Middle America will start thinking of THEM as cracked or reckless lunatics.
I did not and will not vote for " The Donald " . But who needs the New Democrats " - also clueless about real democratic socialism ?
Senator Elizabeth Warren is adapting herself to the party line of the New Democrats . I like what Tucker Carlson just wrote :
[ " After almost 200 years, the Democrats were a political party with conventional political goals. That's no longer true. The Democratic Party is now a religious cult, with all that implies. Dissent has been banned. Anyone who questions the party's leftward fringe is denounced as a racist heretic. "] One finds this lock step conformity also in the old and decayed -but still around - socialist " vanguard " parties . Talk about TRUE BELIEVERS - the members so depressingly like the daffy " Clears " in the daffy " Church of Scientology ". How much the New Democrats are like the nasty New Stalinists in these sectarian "Marxist" political cults . After the shunning of Joe Biden by bold new generation Democrats I don't think the American voters in the 2020 presidential election will gush over a " woman of color " - with ATTITUDE . If trends continue in daily crime news , they might smile a friendly smile at LAW & ORDER , anti-establishment candidates -like " The Donald " . But the Democrat Party " is now a religious cult " which scorns traditional religion , the religion of the Catholic , the Protestant , the Orthodox Jew - the religions of Middle America .How weird !
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